
Researchers who want to gather and classify data on a specific topic are doomed to use several tools in a tedious process given the lack of software tools to collect data from multiple sources for posterior analysis and classification. Our study addresses these issues by designing a novel software platform named Maestro that automatically gathers, classifies, and provides specific datasets from a dynamic set of configurable components (plugins). Extensibility is Maestro’s main feature, which allows new plugins to be incrementally added by the core team or other developers without changing the source code. To evaluate this proposal and support the discussion, a simple working example with images of the former U.S. president, Donald Trump and his facial expressions is shown.

Recommended Citation

Magalhães Serra, A., da Silva, A. R., & Estima, J. (2022). Maestro: An Extensible General-Purpose Data Gathering and Classification Platform. In R. A. Buchmann, G. C. Silaghi, D. Bufnea, V. Niculescu, G. Czibula, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Artificial Intelligence for Information Systems Development and Operations (ISD2022 Proceedings). Cluj-Napoca, Romania: Risoprint. ISBN: 978-973-53-2917-4. https://doi.org/10.62036/ISD.2022.26

Paper Type

Short Paper





Maestro: An Extensible General-Purpose Data Gathering and Classification Platform

Researchers who want to gather and classify data on a specific topic are doomed to use several tools in a tedious process given the lack of software tools to collect data from multiple sources for posterior analysis and classification. Our study addresses these issues by designing a novel software platform named Maestro that automatically gathers, classifies, and provides specific datasets from a dynamic set of configurable components (plugins). Extensibility is Maestro’s main feature, which allows new plugins to be incrementally added by the core team or other developers without changing the source code. To evaluate this proposal and support the discussion, a simple working example with images of the former U.S. president, Donald Trump and his facial expressions is shown.