
E-voting systems are increasingly used, considering the various facilities they offer: casting and counting votes in real time. The current voting systems are currently the target of attempted fraud and this is a major problem globally, which has not been solved even to this day. In the field of computer science, these e-voting platforms need to provide integrated security, thus enhancing the scalability and performance of the blockchain‐based e‐voting system. Our aim is to develop a secure internet-based voting system to maximize user participation, by allowing them to vote from anywhere. This paper proposes a system architecture based on blockchain technology along with a web interface in order to securely authenticate the voters on the platform. It should be noted in addition that these two components can be used together or separately, depending on the application’s needs.

Recommended Citation

Cosmin-Iulian, I., Iftene, A., & Gifu, D. (2021). A Large‐Scale E‐voting System Based on Blockchain. In E. Insfran, F. González, S. Abrahão, M. Fernández, C. Barry, H. Linger, M. Lang, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Crossing Boundaries between Development and Operations (DevOps) in Information Systems (ISD2021 Proceedings). Valencia, Spain: Universitat Politècnica de València.

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Full Paper



A Large‐Scale E‐voting System Based on Blockchain

E-voting systems are increasingly used, considering the various facilities they offer: casting and counting votes in real time. The current voting systems are currently the target of attempted fraud and this is a major problem globally, which has not been solved even to this day. In the field of computer science, these e-voting platforms need to provide integrated security, thus enhancing the scalability and performance of the blockchain‐based e‐voting system. Our aim is to develop a secure internet-based voting system to maximize user participation, by allowing them to vote from anywhere. This paper proposes a system architecture based on blockchain technology along with a web interface in order to securely authenticate the voters on the platform. It should be noted in addition that these two components can be used together or separately, depending on the application’s needs.