This article presents the results of an implementation of a new platform based on swarm communication and executable choreographies. In our research of executable choreographies, we have come up with a more general model to implement smart contracts and a generic architecture of systems using hierarchical blockchain architecture. The novel concepts of secret smart contract and near-chain are introduced. The near-chain approach presents a new method to extend the hierarchical blockchain architecture and to improve performance, security and privacy characteristics of general blockchain-based systems. As such, we are subsequently defining and explaining why any extension of blockchain architectures should revolve around three essential dimensions: trustlessness, non-repudiation and tamper resistance. The hierarchical blockchain approach provides a novel perspective, as well as establishing off-chain storages (near-chains) as special types of hierarchical blockchains stored in a distributed file system. Furthermore, we are providing solutions to the difficult blockchain concerns regarding scalability, performance and privacy issues.
Paper Type
Secret Smart Contracts in Hierarchical Blockchains
This article presents the results of an implementation of a new platform based on swarm communication and executable choreographies. In our research of executable choreographies, we have come up with a more general model to implement smart contracts and a generic architecture of systems using hierarchical blockchain architecture. The novel concepts of secret smart contract and near-chain are introduced. The near-chain approach presents a new method to extend the hierarchical blockchain architecture and to improve performance, security and privacy characteristics of general blockchain-based systems. As such, we are subsequently defining and explaining why any extension of blockchain architectures should revolve around three essential dimensions: trustlessness, non-repudiation and tamper resistance. The hierarchical blockchain approach provides a novel perspective, as well as establishing off-chain storages (near-chains) as special types of hierarchical blockchains stored in a distributed file system. Furthermore, we are providing solutions to the difficult blockchain concerns regarding scalability, performance and privacy issues.
Recommended Citation
Alboaie, S., Alboaie, L., Pritzker, Z. & Iftene, A. (2019). Secret Smart Contracts in Hierarchical Blockchains. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings). Toulon, France: ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.