
Digitalization of products and services commonly causes substantial changes in business models, operations, organization structures and IT-infrastructures of enterprises. Motivated by experiences and observations from digitalization projects, the paper investigates the effects of digitalization on enterprise architectures (EA). EA models serve as representation of business, information system and technical aspects of an enterprise to support management and development. By comparing EA models before and after digitalization, the paper analyzes the kinds of changes visible in the EA model. The most important finding is that newly created digitized products and the associated (product)- and enterprise architecture are no longer properly integrated into the overall architecture and even exist in parallel. Thus, the focus of this work is on showing these parallel architectures and proposing derivations for a better integration.

Recommended Citation

Sandkuhl, K., Wißotzki, M., Schmidt, R. & Zimmermann, A. (2019). On the Effect of Digitalization of Products and Services on Enterprise Architectures. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings). Toulon, France: ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.

Paper Type




On the Effect of Digitalization of Products and Services on Enterprise Architectures

Digitalization of products and services commonly causes substantial changes in business models, operations, organization structures and IT-infrastructures of enterprises. Motivated by experiences and observations from digitalization projects, the paper investigates the effects of digitalization on enterprise architectures (EA). EA models serve as representation of business, information system and technical aspects of an enterprise to support management and development. By comparing EA models before and after digitalization, the paper analyzes the kinds of changes visible in the EA model. The most important finding is that newly created digitized products and the associated (product)- and enterprise architecture are no longer properly integrated into the overall architecture and even exist in parallel. Thus, the focus of this work is on showing these parallel architectures and proposing derivations for a better integration.