Nowadays there are several examples of successful companies that run innovative digital business models. Studies indicate that companies that do not follow the technological tendencies will possibly cease to exist in the next years. Besides, Digital Transformation has a direct impact on relations and forms of consumption. However, although much have been said about this topic, the literature has not established yet a common ground about the meaning of Digital Innovation and Digital Transformation. The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyze and synthesize the various aspects of the main concepts related to Digital Innovation and Transformation (DI&T). We have done a quasi-systematic review of the literature, generating as a primary outcome a list of the main constructs related to DI&T, as well as their definitions. Our main contribution is a map that conceptualizes and relates DI and DT that could be used as a base for future researchers.
Paper Type
Digital Innovation and Transformation: a Quasi-Systematic Literature Review
Nowadays there are several examples of successful companies that run innovative digital business models. Studies indicate that companies that do not follow the technological tendencies will possibly cease to exist in the next years. Besides, Digital Transformation has a direct impact on relations and forms of consumption. However, although much have been said about this topic, the literature has not established yet a common ground about the meaning of Digital Innovation and Digital Transformation. The purpose of this paper is to identify, analyze and synthesize the various aspects of the main concepts related to Digital Innovation and Transformation (DI&T). We have done a quasi-systematic review of the literature, generating as a primary outcome a list of the main constructs related to DI&T, as well as their definitions. Our main contribution is a map that conceptualizes and relates DI and DT that could be used as a base for future researchers.
Recommended Citation
Bogéa Gomes, S., Mira da Silva, M. & Santoro, F. M. (2019). Digital Innovation and Transformation: a Quasi-Systematic Literature Review. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings). Toulon, France: ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.