The information system development is a constant process, and one of the factors driving this development is, besides the Internet, Social Media, Big Data, Internet of Things, cloud computing. Cloud computing accelerates the processes of digitalization and digital transformation, at the same time affecting the transformation of business entities in technical and social aspects as well. Thus, cloud computing becomes an inseparable element of the information systems development. Currently conducted research indicates that the use of cloud computing by enterprises is becoming more common and is perceived as an effective tool in supporting business management. These studies are being confirmed by an increasing number of Polish enterprises, which have decided to implement this solution into their basic activity. In each report or study regarding the use of cloud computing in enterprises, a long list of disadvantages and benefits is presented, of which includes cloud computing. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to try to identify the most important factors (in the layout of benefits and disadvantages) that determine the perception of cloud computing by Polish enterprises. The obtained results from the conducted factor analysis demonstrate the general image of advantages and disadvantaged resulting from its use.
Paper Type
The Use of Factor Analysis in the Perception of Benefits and Disadvantages Resulting from the Use of Cloud Computing Technology in the Enterprise
The information system development is a constant process, and one of the factors driving this development is, besides the Internet, Social Media, Big Data, Internet of Things, cloud computing. Cloud computing accelerates the processes of digitalization and digital transformation, at the same time affecting the transformation of business entities in technical and social aspects as well. Thus, cloud computing becomes an inseparable element of the information systems development. Currently conducted research indicates that the use of cloud computing by enterprises is becoming more common and is perceived as an effective tool in supporting business management. These studies are being confirmed by an increasing number of Polish enterprises, which have decided to implement this solution into their basic activity. In each report or study regarding the use of cloud computing in enterprises, a long list of disadvantages and benefits is presented, of which includes cloud computing. Therefore, the purpose of the article is to try to identify the most important factors (in the layout of benefits and disadvantages) that determine the perception of cloud computing by Polish enterprises. The obtained results from the conducted factor analysis demonstrate the general image of advantages and disadvantaged resulting from its use.
Recommended Citation
Bajdor, P. & Dziembek, D. (2019). The Use of Factor Analysis in the Perception of Benefits and Disadvantages Resulting from the Use of Cloud Computing Technology in the Enterprise. In A. Siarheyeva, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Information Systems Beyond 2020 (ISD2019 Proceedings). Toulon, France: ISEN Yncréa Méditerranée.