
The subject of this paper is project portfolio governance and its improvement based on agile and framework which improves the management of project portfolio processes’ execution and reduces the risks of portfolio components’ implementation. The existing project portfolio models and governance processes use traditional principles, regulation, planning, and control methods, which require enhancement to ensure the portfolio management processes are followed in successful project implementation. The agile and lean project portfolio governance is a relative new domain for which the awareness and practical results related to influence on governance processes, risks, and quality are missing. The contribution is foremost methodological in introduction of agile and lean portfolio governance methods and processes, followed by the agile and lean governance framework, and conclusively in revealing the factors of risk reduction in the agile and lean enabled project portfolio governance with the emphasis on implementation risks reduction.

Recommended Citation

Banjanin, G., & Strahonja, V. (2018). Factors of Risk Reduction in Agile and Lean Enabled Governance of IT Project Portfolios. In B. Andersson, B. Johansson, S. Carlsson, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Designing Digitalization (ISD2018 Proceedings). Lund, Sweden: Lund University. ISBN: 978-91-7753-876-9. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2018/ISDMethodologies/4.

Paper Type




Factors of Risk Reduction in Agile and Lean Enabled Governance of IT Project Portfolios

The subject of this paper is project portfolio governance and its improvement based on agile and framework which improves the management of project portfolio processes’ execution and reduces the risks of portfolio components’ implementation. The existing project portfolio models and governance processes use traditional principles, regulation, planning, and control methods, which require enhancement to ensure the portfolio management processes are followed in successful project implementation. The agile and lean project portfolio governance is a relative new domain for which the awareness and practical results related to influence on governance processes, risks, and quality are missing. The contribution is foremost methodological in introduction of agile and lean portfolio governance methods and processes, followed by the agile and lean governance framework, and conclusively in revealing the factors of risk reduction in the agile and lean enabled project portfolio governance with the emphasis on implementation risks reduction.