
Within a project developing cloud technology for identity access management, usability tests of mockups of a mobile app identity provider were conducted to assess users’ consciousness of data disclosures in consent forms and flow of authentication data. Results show that using one’s fingerprint for giving consent was easy, but most participants had not a correct view of where the fingerprint data is used and what entities would have access to it. Familiarity with ID apps appeared to aggravate misunderstanding. In addition, participants could not well recall details of personal data releases and settings for disclosure options. An evaluation with a confirmation screen slightly improved recall rate. However, some participants voiced a desire to have control over their data and expressed a wish to manually select mandatory information. This can be a way of slowing users down and make them reflect more.

Recommended Citation

Karegar, F., Lindegren, D., Pettersson, J., & Fischer-Hübner, S. (2017). Assessments of a Cloud-Based Data Wallet for Personal Identity Management. In Paspallis, N., Raspopoulos, M. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Advances in Methods, Tools and Management (ISD2017 Proceedings). Larnaca, Cyprus: University of Central Lancashire Cyprus. ISBN: 978-9963-2288-3-6. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2017/Security/2.

Paper Type




Assessments of a Cloud-Based Data Wallet for Personal Identity Management

Within a project developing cloud technology for identity access management, usability tests of mockups of a mobile app identity provider were conducted to assess users’ consciousness of data disclosures in consent forms and flow of authentication data. Results show that using one’s fingerprint for giving consent was easy, but most participants had not a correct view of where the fingerprint data is used and what entities would have access to it. Familiarity with ID apps appeared to aggravate misunderstanding. In addition, participants could not well recall details of personal data releases and settings for disclosure options. An evaluation with a confirmation screen slightly improved recall rate. However, some participants voiced a desire to have control over their data and expressed a wish to manually select mandatory information. This can be a way of slowing users down and make them reflect more.