Track Description

This track aims to bring together researchers, professionals, and practitioners dealing with various aspects of the design, implementation, and evaluation of educational approaches, methods, artifacts, learning objects, and educational e- and m-activities to creatively seek for sustainable, viable, effective, and efficient educational systems in ISD and other areas. The track invites submissions on theoretical foundations and examples of good practice related to the design, implementation, evaluation, adoption, and use of information systems in formal and informal educational contexts in ISD and other areas.

Track Chairs

Irene Polycarpou, UCLan Cyprus, Cyprus
Tihomir Orehovački, Juraj Dobrila University of Pula
Mark Freeman, University of Wollongong, Australia

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Analysing the Relationships between Digital Literacy and Self-Regulated Learning of Undergraduates – A Preliminary Investigation

Muthupoltotage Udayangi Perera, University of Auckland
Lesley A. Gardner, The University of Auckland

Development of a Social Gamified Platform for e-Learning

Sergio Caro-Alvaro, University of Alcalá
Eva Garcia-Lopez, University of Alcalá
Antonio Garcia-Cabot, University of Alcalá
Luis De-Marcos, University of Alcalá
Jose-Javier Martinez-Herriaz, University of Alcalá

Facilitating Synchronous Collaborative Writing with a Collaboration Script

Aleksandra Lazareva, University of Agder

GovernIT: A Software for Decision-making Support on Automated IT Governance Models

Oscar González-Rojas, Universidad de Los Andes - Colombia
Sebastián Lesmes Alvarado, Universidad de Los Andes - Colombia

The Importance of User in ISD. Do We Really Teach?

Juan M. Sánchez-Begines, IWT2 Research Group
María José Escalona, University of Seville
O. Strutynska, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
M. Umryk, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
Tomasz Wojdyński, The School of Banking and Management
Francisco Jose Dominguez-Mayo, University of Seville