
The rationale is to address the perceived gap in the existing literature by exploring the relationship between information technology capabilities (ITC) and customer-focused strategies (CFS). It is essential to explore how technologies enable organizations to implement strategies through a more interactive approach to their customers. Thus, the research objective seeks to improve the understanding of the relationship between ITC and the organizational goal of achieving a customer-focused strategy. Identifying the characteristics of ITC makes the organization focus on developing these characteristics, which may help to achieve an appropriate level of customer-focused strategies. The analysis of the data collected indicates five major characteristics of ITC.: 1) The fulfilment of business requirements on time, 2) the automation of business processes, 3) supporting business continuity, 4) the integration of multiple business systems and applications, and 5) the availability of timely and correct information. The conclusion summarizes these characteristics in the context of how they might affect a customer-focused strategy.

Recommended Citation

AlHarbi, A., Heavin, C., & Carton, F. (2016). Understanding the Characteristics of IT Capability in Delivering a Customer-Focused Strategy: The case of Saudi Bank. In J. Gołuchowski, M. Pańkowska, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Complexity in Information Systems Development (ISD2016 Proceedings). Katowice, Poland: University of Economics in Katowice. ISBN: 978-83-7875-307-0. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2016/ISDevelopment/9.

Paper Type




Understanding the Characteristics of IT Capability in Delivering a Customer-Focused Strategy: The case of Saudi Bank

The rationale is to address the perceived gap in the existing literature by exploring the relationship between information technology capabilities (ITC) and customer-focused strategies (CFS). It is essential to explore how technologies enable organizations to implement strategies through a more interactive approach to their customers. Thus, the research objective seeks to improve the understanding of the relationship between ITC and the organizational goal of achieving a customer-focused strategy. Identifying the characteristics of ITC makes the organization focus on developing these characteristics, which may help to achieve an appropriate level of customer-focused strategies. The analysis of the data collected indicates five major characteristics of ITC.: 1) The fulfilment of business requirements on time, 2) the automation of business processes, 3) supporting business continuity, 4) the integration of multiple business systems and applications, and 5) the availability of timely and correct information. The conclusion summarizes these characteristics in the context of how they might affect a customer-focused strategy.