
Operational Business Intelligence (OpBI) discusses a possible support of production-specific decisions by integrating and analyzing production data. The discussion of OpBI focusses thereby rather on common applicability aspects than on certain implementation strategies. This is however less conclusive for a functional reliability of OpBI in production environments and for associated efforts. Therefore, we introduce an OpBI framework to integrate and analyze data of production processes automatically. Following principles of design science research, framework evaluation refers to real-world data from a rod and wire rolling process. In conclusion, our OpBI framework improves information quality perceived by end users analyzing a steel’s rolling behavior.

Recommended Citation

Hänel, T. & Felden, C. (2016). Applying Operational Business Intelligence in Production Environments. In J. Gołuchowski, M. Pańkowska, C. Barry, M. Lang, H. Linger, & C. Schneider (Eds.), Information Systems Development: Complexity in Information Systems Development (ISD2016 Proceedings). Katowice, Poland: University of Economics in Katowice. ISBN: 978-83-7875-307-0. http://aisel.aisnet.org/isd2014/proceedings2016/CogScience/3.

Paper Type




Applying Operational Business Intelligence in Production Environments

Operational Business Intelligence (OpBI) discusses a possible support of production-specific decisions by integrating and analyzing production data. The discussion of OpBI focusses thereby rather on common applicability aspects than on certain implementation strategies. This is however less conclusive for a functional reliability of OpBI in production environments and for associated efforts. Therefore, we introduce an OpBI framework to integrate and analyze data of production processes automatically. Following principles of design science research, framework evaluation refers to real-world data from a rod and wire rolling process. In conclusion, our OpBI framework improves information quality perceived by end users analyzing a steel’s rolling behavior.