Issue Nr 8 (2017)
Rune B. Rosseland, University of Oslo, Norway
Harald Holone, Østfold University College, Norway
Susanne Koch Stigberg, Østfold University College, Norway
Joakim Karlsen, Østfold University College, Norway
IRIS 40 was hosted by Østfold University College in Halden, Norway, August 6th - 9th 2017.
The articles of this eighth issue of the IRIS Selected Papers of the Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia were originally proposed by the working group chairs (senior IS researchers). The selected papers have an acceptance rate of 25% of the original submissions. All of the papers of the IRIS seminar have gone through a peer review process.
Submissions from 2017
Ambidextrous IT Governance: The Art of Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in IT Governance, Peter Andersen, Per Svejvig, and Lise T. Heeager
The Empire Strikes Back: The end of Agile as we know it?, Jeffry Babb, Jacob Nørbjerg, David J. Yates, and Leslie J. Waguespack
A Comprehensive Review of Data Governance Literature, Olivia Benfeldt Nielsen
Exploring Information Management Practices: Academic Library Professionals’ Experiences, Niki Chatzipanagiotou
Liquid Workplaces: The Potential Implications of Virtual Reality on the Workplace, Christian Casper Hofma, Michel Avital, and Tina Blegind Jensen
Bitcoin: A Social Movement Under Attack, Venkata Marella
Coaching Self-Management Through Analytic Textualization, Alexander Moltubakk Kempton, Miria Grisot, and Margunn Aanestad
Balancing the Social Media Seesaw in Public Sector: A Sociomaterial Perspective, Livia Norström, Anna Sigridur Islind, and Helena Vallo Hult
Standardising Through Software, Olav Poppe, Johan Ivar Sæbø, Petter Nielsen, and Terje Aksel Sanner
Foreword IRIS40: Challenging Smart, Rune B. Rosseland
Identification of Data Representation Needs in Service Design, Cathrine Seidelin, Yvonne Dittrich, and Erik Grönvall
“What is the benefit of that?” Mathematics Teachers’ Motives in Discarding Digital Technology in their Teaching, Marie Utterberg and Johan Lundin