Institution Name

University of Bamberg

Department Name

Information Systems



AIS Region

Region 2

University Full Postal Address:

An der Weberei 5 Bamberg, Bavaria, 96047 Germany

Short University Description

The University of Bamberg, located in the UNESCO World Heritage City of Bamberg, offers a rich educational environment with a strong reputation in Information Systems. Our faculty comprises 23 professorships, including nine specifically in the field of Information Systems. With a dedication to high-quality, student-centered education, the university provides a range of bachelor's and master's programs that emphasize interdisciplinary learning and practical experience. The faculty is distinguished by its extensive research activities, particularly in international contexts, contributing to the university's strong showing in relevant rankings where it consistently achieves top positions. Students have the opportunity to specialize in various areas, such as artificial intelligence and digital transformation, to tailor their educational experience. The school offers an excellent student-to-faculty ratio, ensuring personalized guidance and a supportive atmosphere conducive to learning. Our modern facilities and flexible study options, including both full-time and part-time enrollment, cater to a diverse student body. The university's global outlook is supported by a wide network of international partner universities, facilitating a dynamic exchange of knowledge and cultural competence. Additionally, students have access to a range of part-time employment opportunities in the region to complement their studies and prepare them for their future careers.

Program Highlights

The University of Bamberg's offerings in the field of Information Systems include distinct programs tailored to blend technology and management with a global perspective. “Wirtschaftsinformatik” (Information Systems, B.Sc. and M.Sc.): This program places its focus on the information processes within companies, acting as the link between specialist departments and IT units. Its core objective is to analyze and design digital business models and processes, ensuring optimal information supply within organizations. The curriculum is designed to provide the technical knowledge and managerial skills necessary to navigate and innovate within the digital landscape of business operations. International Information Systems Management (IISM, B.Sc. and M.Sc.): This program shares a focus on the analysis and design of digital business models and processes, similar to the Wirtschaftsinformatik program, but with a clear objective of managing information systems from an international standpoint. It prepares students to manage and operate IT systems across borders, emphasizing the global aspect of digital business processes and the international supply of information. Both programs aim to develop expertise in creating and managing sophisticated digital solutions that support organizational goals. Students in these programs are expected to become proficient in bridging the gap between technical possibilities and business needs, equipped with the knowledge to lead in the digital transformation of business practices. For those interested in distance learning opportunities, the Virtual International Information Systems (VIAI) program is also available, which offers a similar curriculum to the on-campus programs, but delivered in a flexible, online format.

Contact Person Name, Email, Link

Thomas Kude,
