Best Overall ICIS 2024 Paper in Honor of TP Liang
- Göppinger, Sophia Maite Magdalena; Meier, Alexander; Elshan, Edona; Malekan, Omid; and Leimeister, Jan Marco Beyond Trial and Error: Strategic Assessment of Decentralized Identity in US Healthcare (2024).
Best Overall ICIS 2024 Paper Runner-Ups in Honor of TP Liang
- Zieglmeier, Alexander; Kranz, Johann; and Alashoor, Tawfiq How Uncertainty and AI Reciprocity Shape Data Disclosure Decisions in AI Health Services (2024).
- Garazha, Aleksandra; Merz, Cedric; Schwabe, Gerhard; and Zavolokina, Liudmila, "Resilience in Times of Crisis: Empowering Refugees with Self-Sovereign Identity" (2024).
Best ICIS 2024 Short Paper in Honor of TP Liang
- Lunina, Yulia and Choi, Ben When Machines are Learning, Why Not Humans? A Study Examining Roadcraft Training by AI Coaches (2024).
Best ICIS 2024 Short Paper Runner-Ups in Honor of TP Liang
- Wintmölle, Florian; Meier, Marco; and Maier, Christian Artificial Intelligence (AI) Misuse: Perpetrators’ Moral Justifications (2024).
- Viljoen, Altus; Hein, Andreas; Constantinides, Panos; and Krcmar, Helmut Leveraging Generative AI in Enterprise Contexts: Towards a Paradox Theory and Organizational Boundary Work Approach (2024).
Best ICIS 2024 Student Paper in Honor of TP Liang
- Liang, Zhewen; Xu, Shan; Chen, Dylan Junluo; Li, Jin; and Liu, Ben From Departure to Breach: The Impact of IT Employee Turnover on Cybersecurity Risks (2024).
Best ICIS 2024 Student Paper Runner-Ups in Honor of TP Liang
- Tang, Hanyang and Zhai, Yingda Optimal Bidding Overtime Strategy for Online Art Auctions: Evidence from Chinese Auction Houses (2024).
- Nienstedt, Jonas; Henkenjohann, Richard; Detels, Laura; and Trenz, Manuel Citizen in the Loop: A Circular Dynamic of Stress and Information Seeking in Data Ecosystems (2024).
Best ICIS 2024 Design Science Award Paper in Recognition of Nunamaker-Chen
- Gräf, Miriam; Mehler, Maren; and Jourdan, Sara Crisis Management in the Metaverse: Designing Virtual Worlds for Real-World Resilience (2024).
Best ICIS 2024 Design Science Award Paper Runner-Ups in Recognition of Nunamaker-Chen
- Heinrich, Bernd; Krapf, Thomas; and Miethaner, Paul EXPLORE: A Novel Method for Local Explanations (2024).
- Huettemann, Sebastian; Mueller, Roland; Larsen, Kai; and Dinter, Barbara A Framework for Ontology-Based Knowledge Synthesis from Research Articles (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Kauffman Award Winning Papers
- Alguera Kleine, Rebecca; Lorenz, Felix; and Clauß, Thomas Digital Transformation in the Shadows? An Investigation of the Role of Middle Managers in Digital Transformation Strategizing (2024).
- Brosnan, Andrew; Manning, Eimear; Whelan, Abigail; Singh, Milan; Padwalkar, Sumeet; O'Brien, Jack; and Treacy, Stephen The Digital Transformation Risk Matrix: A Tool for Assessing the Impact/Control Nature of Digital Transformation Risk (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Kauffman Award Winning Runner-up Papers
- Lennig, Leah; Hammerschmidt, Maik; Meyer, Nika; and Weiger, Welf H. What Remains When Novelty Wears Off? The Impact of Repeated Exposure to Metaverse Meetings on Creativity (2024).
- Strich, Franz; Ihl, Andreas; and Mayer, Anne-Sophie Thriving for Gig Workers’ Career Commitment: The Role of Platforms Design Attributes (2024).
- Hödl, Tatjana Social Media Feedback Dynamics: The Influence of Community and Technology on Content Creators (2024).
- Zahn, Eva-Maria and Fritsch, Teresa Developing a Conversational Agent for Training Negotiation Skills for Venture Capital Term Sheet Negotiations (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Complete Paper Nominees / Best in Track Papers
- Strich, Franz; Ihl, Andreas; and Mayer, Anne-Sophie Thriving for Gig Workers’ Career Commitment: The Role of Platforms Design Attributes (2024).
- Garazha, Aleksandra; Merz, Cedric; Schwabe, Gerhard; and Zavolokina, Liudmila, Resilience in Times of Crisis: Empowering Refugees with Self-Sovereign Identity (2024).
- Tolzin, Antonia; Knoth, Nils; and Janson, Andreas Leveraging Prompting Guides as Worked Examples for Advanced Prompt Engineering Strategies (2024).
- Mao, Qian'ang; Wang, Jiaxin; Yan, Jiaqi; and Ying, Jiji Targeting the Achilles’ Heel: A GNN Framework for Dismantling Cryptocurrency War-Financing Networks (2024).
- Waardenburg, Lauren; Sergeeva, Anastasia; and Huysman, Marleen The Hidden Cost of Data Production: Digital Reporting Pressures and the Consequences for Street-Level Police Work (2024).
- Kneissel, Katharina; Oberländer, Anna Maria; Rosemann, Michael; and Lockl, Antonie Game Changers – Designing Digital Solutions for Social Inclusion at Scale (2024).
- Zieglmeier, Alexander; Kranz, Johann; and Alashoor, Tawfiq How Uncertainty and AI Reciprocity Shape Data Disclosure Decisions in AI Health Services (2024).
- Zhao, Yiming; Deng, Chaoqun; and Gao, Qiang Words Speak Louder than Action? The Role of Speech Act of Linguistic Differentiation on Philanthropic Crowdfunding Platform (2024).
- ZHU, Jingyu; Wang, Weiquan; and Xu, David (Jingjun) The Backfiring Effect of Nativeness for In-stream Sponsored Content Presentation (2024).
- Heinrich, Bernd; Krapf, Thomas; and Miethaner, Paul EXPLORE: A Novel Method for Local Explanations (2024).
- Krancher, Oliver; Oshri, Ilan; and Kotlarsky, Julia Knowledge Overlap and Iterative Development in ML Projects: An Information Processing View (2024).
- Kathuria, Abhishek; Sonpatki, Ria; Andrade, Mariana; and Saldanha, Terence Apocalypse Now (or Later?): Climate Change and Non-Implementation of IT Applications (2024).
- Rahman, Maxx Richard; Abdel Khaliq, Lotfy; Piper, Thomas; Geyer, Hans; Equey, Tristan; Baume, Norbert; Aikin, Reid; and Maass, Wolfgang Analysing the Unseen: Leveraging Data Analytics to Combat the Societal Challenge of Doping in Sports (2024).
- Sun, Yichen; Lim, Shi-Ying; and Goh, Khim Yong Legitimacy Tradeoffs: Use of Low-Code/No-Code Tools and Digital Start-ups’ Funding (2024).
- Pan, Liucen; Moeini, Mohammad; and Baptista, João All Important Voices Matter: Purposeful Diversifications of Pools of Participants in Open Decision Makings Through Technology (2024).
- Göppinger, Sophia Maite Magdalena; Meier, Alexander; Elshan, Edona; Malekan, Omid; and Leimeister, Jan Marco Beyond Trial and Error: Strategic Assessment of Decentralized Identity in US Healthcare (2024).
- Hietala, Heidi; Ciriello, Raffaele; Vainionpää, Fanny; Väyrynen, Karin; and Lanamäki, Arto Dialectics of Reconception: Framing Compliant AI Innovation in the Public Sector (2024).
- Hendriks, Patrick; Sturm, Timo; Olt, Christian; Nan, Ning; and Buxmann, Peter Organizational Learning and Enactment in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (2024).
- van der Waal, Wouter; Van de Weerd, Inge; Beerepoot, Iris; and Reijers, Hajo A. The Emergence and Evolution of Workarounds: A Study of Stability and Change (2024).
- Lee, Jong Youl; Lysyakov, Mikhail; and Rui, Huaxia To Claim or Not to Claim? Impact of Owner's Business Page Claiming on Customer Evaluation (2024).
- Tang, Hanyang and Zhai, Yingda Optimal Bidding Overtime Strategy for Online Art Auctions: Evidence from Chinese Auction Houses (2024).
- Hina, Maryam and Islam, Najmul Promoting Sustainable Product Authenticity through Digital Supply Chain Integration and Collaboration: Insights from an Experimental Study (2024).
- Brosnan, Andrew; Manning, Eimear; Whelan, Abigail; Singh, Milan; Padwalkar, Sumeet; O'Brien, Jack; and Treacy, Stephen The Digital Transformation Risk Matrix: A Tool for Assessing the Impact/Control Nature of Digital Transformation Risk (2024).
- Strunk, Jobin Alexander; Banh, Leonardo; Nissen, Anika; Strobel, Gero; and Smolnik, Stefan To Delegate or Not to Delegate? Factors Influencing Human-Agentic IS Interaction (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Short Paper Nominees
- Dux, Nelly Anna and Alaimo, Cristina Data for Sustainability in Industrial Platform Ecosystems: The case of Enel X (2024).
- Khan, Abdul Kader; Singh, Rahul; and Bhadury, Joyendu, Perceived Response Failure of Mental Health Chatbots: Conceptualization and Consequences on Discontinuance (2024).
- Khatib, Rima and Mattalo, Brandon Enhancing Learning Experiences with GenAI Chatbots: A Tutorial Approach (2024).
- Baygi, Reza and Rezazade Mehrizi, Mohammad Flows and Flaws of Expertise in Microtasking Platforms: The Case of Amazon MTurk (2024).
- Lunina, Yulia and Choi, Ben When Machines are Learning, Why Not Humans? A Study Examining Roadcraft Training by AI Coaches (2024).
- Frenzel-Piasentin, Adeline and Veit, Daniel Virtual bodily privacy in highly immersive virtual environments: A psychological contract perspective (2024).
- Yan, Zhenbin and Zhou, Zhongyun Virtual Reality, Real Profits: Exploring VR's Influence on Sellers' Revenue and Bidders' Strategic Reactions in Online House Auctions (2024).
- Jin, Siyuan; Lee, Dongwon; Kim, Keongtae; and Tam, Kar Yan When K-Pop Meets Blockchain: Consumer Engagement and Voting Behavior in DAOs (2024).
- Wintmölle, Florian; Meier, Marco; and Maier, Christian Artificial Intelligence (AI) Misuse: Perpetrators’ Moral Justifications (2024).
- Kim, Dongyeob and Yoo, Youngjin AI as a Floating Signifier and the Destabilization of Categorical Meaning: Healthcare AI and IBM Watson (2024).
- Kim, Tae Gyun; Akhlaghpour, Saeed; and Burton-Jones, Andrew Grounded Theory Analysis of Software Teams Strategic Responses to Privacy by Design (PbD) Challenges (2024).
- Degirmenci, Kenan; Barros, Alistair; and Corbett, Jacqueline Adoption Paradox of Sustainable Technologies: The Case of Renewable Energy Uptake by Households (2024).
- Sou, Davinny; Kuhlmeier, Florian Onur; Kowatsch, Tobias; von Wangenheim, Florian; and Nißen, Marcia Towards Digital Empathy in Healthcare Chatbots: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Study (2024).
- Santschi, Dominic; Grau, Marc Christopher; Fehrenbacher, Dennis; and Blohm, Ivo Artificial Intelligence to Improve Public Budgeting (2024).
- Zhang, Xu; Zha, Hongbo; Tang, Yinuo; and Dou, Yifan Video Views or View Time: Managing Platform Compensation for Content Creators (2024).
- Au, Cheuk Hang; Chou, Chih-Yuan; and Ho, Kevin The Role of the Internet in Influencing Multi-branding Strategies: An Empowerment Theory Perspective (2024).
- Ibello, Giuseppe Daniele; LEONG, Carmen; Tan, Barney; and Guo, Zixiu Fortune Favors the Scrappy: Enacting Serendipitous Innovations for Inclusion (2024).
- Viljoen, Altus; Hein, Andreas; Constantinides, Panos; and Krcmar, Helmut Leveraging Generative AI in Enterprise Contexts: Towards a Paradox Theory and Organizational Boundary Work Approach (2024).
- Wurzer, Antonia and Plattfaut, Ralf Reconciling Agile Transformation Paradoxes: Process Polarities in Agile Development Methodologies and Internal Audit Practices (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Student Paper - In Honor of TP Liang - Nominations from the Track
- Tolzin, Antonia; Knoth, Nils; and Janson, Andreas Leveraging Prompting Guides as Worked Examples for Advanced Prompt Engineering Strategies (2024).
- Nienstedt, Jonas; Henkenjohann, Richard; Detels, Laura; and Trenz, Manuel Citizen in the Loop: A Circular Dynamic of Stress and Information Seeking in Data Ecosystems (2024).
- Liang, Zhewen; Xu, Shan; Chen, Dylan Junluo; Li, Jin; and Liu, Ben From Departure to Breach: The Impact of IT Employee Turnover on Cybersecurity Risks (2024).
- Zheng, Shuang; Tong, Jack; Kwon, Hyeokkoo Eric; Burtch, Gordon; and Li, Xianneng Recommending What to Search: Sales Volume and Consumption Diversity Effects of a Query Recommender System (2024).
- Li, Chengyuan; Bampouni, Elpida; Xi, Nannan; Holopainen, Jani; and Hamari, Juho An Experiment-Based Study on Decision Evaluation in Metaverse (2024).
- Bruhin, Olivia; Ebel, Philipp; and Elshan, Edona Exploring the Paradoxical Relationship between Citizen and Professional Developers in Low Code Environments (2024).
- Eley, TC and Lyytinen, Kalle Developing an Implementation Process Model and Logic of Weakly Structured Systems (2024).
- Che, Shangkun; Mao, Minjia; and Liu, Hongyan New Community Cold-Start Recommendation: A Novel Large Language Model-based Method (2024).
- Pan, Liucen; Moeini, Mohammad; and Baptista, João All Important Voices Matter: Purposeful Diversifications of Pools of Participants in Open Decision Makings Through Technology (2024).
- Gräf, Miriam; Mehler, Maren; and Jourdan, Sara Crisis Management in the Metaverse: Designing Virtual Worlds for Real-World Resilience (2024).
- Chaturvedi, Devina; Kathuria, Abhishek; and Andrade, Mariana Sometimes You Gotta Risk it for the BiscUIT: Political Risks, Non-Political Risks, and Unconventional IT (2024).
- van der Waal, Wouter; Van de Weerd, Inge; Beerepoot, Iris; and Reijers, Hajo A. The Emergence and Evolution of Workarounds: A Study of Stability and Change (2024).
- Lei, Zixi; Wen, Wen; Zhang, Cheng; and Whinston, Andrew B. Is Knowing More Better? Examining the Influence of IT-enabled Customer Knowledge Transfer on Service Outcomes (2024).
- Tang, Hanyang and Zhai, Yingda Optimal Bidding Overtime Strategy for Online Art Auctions: Evidence from Chinese Auction Houses (2024).
- Hina, Maryam and Islam, Najmul Promoting Sustainable Product Authenticity through Digital Supply Chain Integration and Collaboration: Insights from an Experimental Study (2024).
- Brosnan, Andrew; Manning, Eimear; Whelan, Abigail; Singh, Milan; Padwalkar, Sumeet; O'Brien, Jack; and Treacy, Stephen The Digital Transformation Risk Matrix: A Tool for Assessing the Impact/Control Nature of Digital Transformation Risk (2024).
- Uddin, Md Raihan; Shankar, Gauri; Mukta, Md. Saddam Hossain; Kumar, Prabhat; and Islam, Najmul Evolving Topics in Federated Learning: Trends, and Emerging Directions for IS Research (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Design Science Paper - In Recognition of Nunamaker-Chen - Nominations from the Track
- Jokisch, Christine; Hobert, Sebastian; Forstmann, Janina; and Schumann, Matthias Breaking the Glass – Improving Students’ White-Box Testing Competencies using Game-Design Elements (2024).
- Baum, Lorenz; Hanneke, Björn; and Hinz, Oliver A Recommender System for Privacy-Friendly Platform Business Models (2024).
- Heinrich, Bernd; Krapf, Thomas; and Miethaner, Paul EXPLORE: A Novel Method for Local Explanations (2024).
- Weinzierl, Sven; Zilker, Sandra; Zschech, Patrick; Kraus, Mathias; Leibelt, Tobias; and Matzner, Martin How Risky is my AI System? A Method for Transparent Classification of AI System Descriptions by Regulated AI Risk Categories (2024).
- Gräf, Miriam; Mehler, Maren; and Jourdan, Sara Crisis Management in the Metaverse: Designing Virtual Worlds for Real-World Resilience (2024).
- Chan, Fun Yi; Gao, Chaoyue; Leung, Alvin; Fang, Yulin; and Ye, Qiang ChatGPT-empowered Product Recommendation and Online Word-of-Mouth: Evidence from Online Travel Agency (2024).
- Kumar, Prabhat and Islam, Najmul Interpretable Cyber Threat Detection for Enterprise Industrial Networks: A Computational Design Science Approach (2024).
- Marohn, Robert and Li, Yan A Data Analytics Capability Maturity Model for Small and Medium Enterprises: An Action Design Research (2024).
- Huettemann, Sebastian; Mueller, Roland; Larsen, Kai; and Dinter, Barbara A Framework for Ontology-Based Knowledge Synthesis from Research Articles (2024).
ICIS 2024 Best Kauffman Paper - Nominations from the Track
- Lennig, Leah; Hammerschmidt, Maik; Meyer, Nika; and Weiger, Welf H. What Remains When Novelty Wears Off? The Impact of Repeated Exposure to Metaverse Meetings on Creativity (2024).
- Hödl, Tatjana Social Media Feedback Dynamics: The Influence of Community and Technology on Content Creators (2024).
- Zahn, Eva-Maria and Fritsch, Teresa Developing a Conversational Agent for Training Negotiation Skills for Venture Capital Term Sheet Negotiations (2024).
- Khosrawi-Rad, Bijan; Shahda, Farah; Rinn, Heidi; Augenstein, Dominik; and Robra-Bissantz, Susanne 3D vs. 2D – Exploring Pedagogical Conversational Agents for AI-supported Brainstorming (2024).
- Finze, Nikola; Weeger, Andy; and Kudor, Roland Wind of Change: The Impact of Music Generating AI Systems on the Identity of Music Producers (2024).
- Feng, Jiahui; Wu, Juntao; Chen, Meng; and Qin, Juan Optimizing Restaurant Customer Flow and Revenue with Real-Time Coupon Allocation: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach (2024).
- Alguera Kleine, Rebecca; Lorenz, Felix; and Clauß, Thomas Digital Transformation in the Shadows? An Investigation of the Role of Middle Managers in Digital Transformation Strategizing (2024).
- Alhassan, Muftawu Dzang and De Klerk, Jeremias Development of a New Measurement Scale for User Digital Resilience (2024).
- Kuhlemann, Sophie; Mehta, Prakhar; and Tiefenbeck, Verena Greener or Faster: Unraveling the Impact of Travel Time Presentation on Rail vs. Air Travel Decision-Making (2024).
- JING, Zhe; Tong, Jack; Guo, Yue; and Chong, Alain The Role of Prosocial Behavior in Goal Attainment Incentive: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Live Streaming (2024).
- Strich, Franz; Ihl, Andreas; and Mayer, Anne-Sophie Thriving for Gig Workers’ Career Commitment: The Role of Platforms Design Attributes (2024).
- Tolzin, Antonia; Knoth, Nils; and Janson, Andreas Leveraging Prompting Guides as Worked Examples for Advanced Prompt Engineering Strategies (2024).
- Pan, Liucen; Moeini, Mohammad; and Baptista, João All Important Voices Matter: Purposeful Diversifications of Pools of Participants in Open Decision Makings Through Technology (2024).
- Hietala, Heidi; Ciriello, Raffaele; Vainionpää, Fanny; Väyrynen, Karin; and Lanamäki, Arto Dialectics of Reconception: Framing Compliant AI Innovation in the Public Sector (2024).
- Tang, Hanyang and Zhai, Yingda Optimal Bidding Overtime Strategy for Online Art Auctions: Evidence from Chinese Auction Houses (2024).
- Pan, Liucen; Moeini, Mohammad; and Baptista, João All Important Voices Matter: Purposeful Diversifications of Pools of Participants in Open Decision Makings Through Technology (2024).
- Hendriks, Patrick; Sturm, Timo; Olt, Christian; Nan, Ning; and Buxmann, Peter Organizational Learning and Enactment in the Era of Artificial Intelligence (2024).
- van der Waal, Wouter; Van de Weerd, Inge; Beerepoot, Iris; and Reijers, Hajo A. The Emergence and Evolution of Workarounds: A Study of Stability and Change (2024).
- Brosnan, Andrew; Manning, Eimear; Whelan, Abigail; Singh, Milan; Padwalkar, Sumeet; O'Brien, Jack; and Treacy, Stephen The Digital Transformation Risk Matrix: A Tool for Assessing the Impact/Control Nature of Digital Transformation Risk (2024).
Outstanding Associate Editors
- Anastasia Sergeeva, VU University
- Biago Palese, Northern Illinois University
- Chengxin Cao, Baruch College
- Florian Pethig, Tilburg University
- Jason Wu, Tshighua University
- Junyoung Park, Auburn University
- Katharina Drechsler, Univ of Cologne
- Qinglai He, University of Wisconsin - Madison
- Quanwu Zhao, Chongquing University
- Rebekah Eden, UQ Business School
- Rongen "Sophia" Zhang, Balor University
- Scott Thiebes, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Sofia Schobel, University of Osnabruck
- Stephen McCarthy, Cork University Business School
- Thomas Grisold, University of St. Gallen
- Timo Sturm, TU Darmstadt
- Yi-Te Chiu, National Tsing Hua University
- Tobias Guggenberger, Univ of Bayreuth
- Wilson Li, Deakin University
- Yan Leng, University of Texas
- Yang Liu, Xian Jiatong University
- Yasser Rahrovani, University of Western Ontario
- Yen-Yao Wang, Auburn University
- Yongsuk Kim, Sungkyunkwan University
- Zhanfei Lei, U Mass Amherst
Outstanding Reviewers
- Abdullah Alhauli, Kuwait University
- Adeline Frenzel-Piasentin, University of Augsburg
- Amir Ashrafi, University of Manchester
- Andreas Hein, University of St. Gallen
- Ariel Wigdor, University of North Texas
- Bernd Lohr, University Paderborn
- Biju Varghese, Rochester Institute of Technology
- Changqing Zhuo, Nanyang Technological University
- Christina Jeong, University of Hawaii
- Daniel Skog, Northern Illinois University
- Edona Elshan, Vrije University
- Feiyu E, University of Maryland
- Jeffrey Tai, National Chiayi University
- Jennifer Jiang, Technical University Dresden
- Kanghyun Cho, Temple University
- Leonardo Banh, University Duisburg-Essen
- Marc-Fabian Korner, University of Bayreuth
- Mingyue Guo, University of Sydney
- Panagiotis Keramidis, Copenhagen Business School
- Pramukh Vasist, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode
- Simon Warsinsky, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
- Teng Ma, Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University
- Xiaoni Lu, Jiaotong University