The recordings from the Keynote and Awards sessions are included in this folder of the proceedings.

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Monday, December 11th
12:00 AM

ICIS 2023 Keynote and AIS Awards Ceremony

Suprateek Saker, University of Virginia
Souren Paul, Northern Kentucky University
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Aalto University, Finland
Bhaskar Ghosh, Accenture

12:00 AM

Tuesday, December 12th
12:00 AM

ICIS 2023 Best Paper Awards Session

Walter D. Fernandez Prof, The University of New South Wales
Radhika Santhanam, University of Oklahoma
Joe Nandhakumar, University of Warwick

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

ICIS2023 Keynote Session II & AIS Awards Session

Souren Paul, Northern Kentucky University
Virpi Kristiina Tuunainen, Aalto University, Finland
Supra Sakar, Virginia
Alok Gupta, University of Minnesota
Abhijit Vinayak Banerjee, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Janmarco Leimeister, University of St. Gallen

12:00 AM