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Although smart product-service systems (SPSS) have attracted increasing interest from manufacturers in recent years, their commercialization can pose major challenges. This study aims to advance the SPSS literature by examining the pillars of manufacturers’ SPSS value offering strategies. Using a sociotechnical perspective and a configurational approach, this study examines how manufacturers configure SPSS value offerings. A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis based on data from a qualitative study reveals three different configurations of sociotechnical factors that are consistently sufficient to achieve an attractive SPSS value offering. From a theoretical perspective, insight into these configurations advances the understanding of complementarities among sociotechnical factors for SPSS. From a managerial perspective, the configurations provide templates for evaluating existing organizational work systems as well as design options for developing new ones.
Recommended Citation
Papert, Marcel; Fischer, Isabel; Naumann, Victor; and Leischnig, Alexander, "Understanding Smart Product-Service System Value Offerings: A Comparative Case Analysis" (2023). ICIS 2023 Proceedings. 8.
Understanding Smart Product-Service System Value Offerings: A Comparative Case Analysis
Although smart product-service systems (SPSS) have attracted increasing interest from manufacturers in recent years, their commercialization can pose major challenges. This study aims to advance the SPSS literature by examining the pillars of manufacturers’ SPSS value offering strategies. Using a sociotechnical perspective and a configurational approach, this study examines how manufacturers configure SPSS value offerings. A fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis based on data from a qualitative study reveals three different configurations of sociotechnical factors that are consistently sufficient to achieve an attractive SPSS value offering. From a theoretical perspective, insight into these configurations advances the understanding of complementarities among sociotechnical factors for SPSS. From a managerial perspective, the configurations provide templates for evaluating existing organizational work systems as well as design options for developing new ones.
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