Digital innovation, entrepreneurship and transformation are ubiquitous. Work is increasingly being virtualized, digitalized, or even completely automated. New platform-based forms of digital organizing have emerged. Innovation processes themselves are becoming more open, less predictable, and more fluid.
Track Co-Chairs
Jens Foerderer, Ph.D., Technical University of Munich
Ola Henfridsson, Ph.D., University of Miami
Dengpan Liu, Ph.D., Tsinghua University
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2023 | ||
Monday, December 11th | ||
12:00 AM |
A Journey, not a Destination—A Synthesized Process of Digital Transformation Christian Sciuk, LMU Munich School of Management 12:00 AM |
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Philippe Herve Jacquemin, Technical University of Darmstadt 12:00 AM |
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Artificial Intelligence, CEO Turnover, and Directional Change in Firm Innovation Bowen Lou, University of Connecticut 12:00 AM |
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Sung Hyun Kwon, University of Maryland 12:00 AM |
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Co-creation, Failure Learning, and Relaunch Success: Evidence from Online Crowdfunding Market Xiaochen Liu, Beijing Jiaotong University 12:00 AM |
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Data Hierarchies: The Emergence of an Industrial Data Ecosystem Daniel Stedjan Svendsrud, University of Oslo 12:00 AM |
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Thomas Schaeper, University of Muenster 12:00 AM |
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Marika Platz, Leibniz University Hannover 12:00 AM |
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Jonathan Zebhauser, Freie Universität Berlin 12:00 AM |
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Fostering an innovation ecosystem for a public digital health platform Betty Saenyi, Lund University 12:00 AM |
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Shiyuan(Eric) Liu, Stockholm School of Economics 12:00 AM |
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Managing and Making Sense of Data to Drive Digital Transformation: A Case Study Jia Xu, University of Melbourne 12:00 AM |
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Mastering Efficiency: Leveraging Multihoming Boundary Resources for Mobile App Development Ziyi Zhao, Temple University 12:00 AM |
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Kaige Gao, Case Western Reserve University 12:00 AM |
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More is Less? Design Free Sample Strategy via Field Experiment and Double/Debiased Machine Learning JIN LIU, University of Science and Technology of China 12:00 AM |
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Pathways for Digital Transformation: An Organizational Identity Perspective Anna Keilbach, Technical University of Munich 12:00 AM |
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The Role of Cajoling Strategies in Path Creation Lena Hylving, Informatics 12:00 AM |
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Pascal Simon Mayer, University of Muenster 12:00 AM |
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The Unfolding of Digital Transformation in Pre-Digital Companies: A Meta-Case Analysis Thomas Haskamp, Hasso Plattner Institute 12:00 AM |
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Understanding Digital Platform Generativity from a Sociomaterial Perspective Yanpei Lin, The University of Queensland 12:00 AM |
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Nikola Finze, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences 12:00 AM |