Wave after wave of novel digital technologies are continually enabling new products, processes, and modes of organizing. Digital innovations rooted in mobile and distributed computing, social media, digital platforms, data analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchains, Internet of Things, cloud computing, virtual reality, and robots are reshaping and disrupting established ways of business operations. Digital innovations generate new possibilities for innovation and entrepreneurship in a wide range of domains including healthcare, education, retail, finance, and manufacturing industries. Indeed, organizations must innovate continuously in order to thrive.

Digital innovation, entrepreneurship and transformation are ubiquitous. Work is increasingly being virtualized, digitalized, or even completely automated. New platform-based forms of digital organizing have emerged. Innovation processes themselves are becoming more open, less predictable, and more fluid.

Track Co-Chairs
Jens Foerderer, Ph.D., Technical University of Munich
Ola Henfridsson, Ph.D., University of Miami
Dengpan Liu, Ph.D., Tsinghua University

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Monday, December 11th
12:00 AM

A Journey, not a Destination—A Synthesized Process of Digital Transformation

Christian Sciuk, LMU Munich School of Management
Simon Paul Engert, LMU Munich School of Management
Maren Gierlich-Joas, University Hamburg
Till Wagner, LMU Munich School of Management
Thomas Hess, LMU Munich School of Management

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Are Organizations Ready for Metaverse? Identifying Influencing Factors for Initiating Metaverse in the Organizational Context

Philippe Herve Jacquemin, Technical University of Darmstadt
Merve Turan Akdag, TU Darmstadt
Maren Mehler, Technical University of Darmstadt
Nihal Wahl, Information Systems
Peter Buxmann, Technische Universität Darmstadt

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Artificial Intelligence, CEO Turnover, and Directional Change in Firm Innovation

Bowen Lou, University of Connecticut
Xinyu Ma, University of Pennsylvania
Lynn Wu, University of Pennsylvania

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Catching the Viewer's Eye: Examining Exploration and Exploitation Strategies in the Live Streaming Market

Sung Hyun Kwon, University of Maryland
Il-Horn Hann, University of Maryland, College Park

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Co-creation, Failure Learning, and Relaunch Success: Evidence from Online Crowdfunding Market

Xiaochen Liu, Beijing Jiaotong University
Yu JIN, Nanjing University
Yulin Fang, The University of Hong Kong
Qiang Ye, University of Science and Technology of China

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Data Hierarchies: The Emergence of an Industrial Data Ecosystem

Daniel Stedjan Svendsrud, University of Oslo
Dragana Paparova, University of Agder

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Decoding the Mindset: A Neural Network Approach for Analyzing CEO’s Digital Strategy and Its Innovation Implications

Thomas Schaeper, University of Muenster
Frederik Maibaum, Leibniz University Hannover
Colin Schulz, University of Muenster
Johann Nils Foege, Leibniz University Hannover

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12:00 AM

Emotional Rollercoaster: The Inverted U-Shaped Relationship between CEO Emotions and Innovation Outcomes

Marika Platz, Leibniz University Hannover
Thomas Schaeper, University of Muenster
Johann Nils Foege, Leibniz University Hannover

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Entrepreneurial Framing and Negotiations of Product Boundaries: A Qualitative Study on the Social Construction of Product Innovation in AI Ventures

Jonathan Zebhauser, Freie Universität Berlin
Hannes Rothe, University of Duisburg-Essen
Janina Sundermeier, Freie Universität Berlin
Samuel Koranteng, Freie Universität Berlin

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Fostering an innovation ecosystem for a public digital health platform

Betty Saenyi, Lund University

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Going Digital First while Safeguarding the Physical Core: How an Automotive Incumbent Searches for Relevance in Disruptive Times

Shiyuan(Eric) Liu, Stockholm School of Economics
Anna Essén, Stockhom School of Economics
Magnus Mähring, House of Innovation

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Managing and Making Sense of Data to Drive Digital Transformation: A Case Study

Jia Xu, University of Melbourne
Humza Naseer, RMIT University
Sean B. Maynard, University of Melbourne
Justin Filippou, The University of Melbourne

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Mastering Efficiency: Leveraging Multihoming Boundary Resources for Mobile App Development

Ziyi Zhao, Temple University
Aleksi Aaltonen, Temple University

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Models as Social Actors in the Diffusion of AI Innovations: A Multilayer, Heterogeneous, Dynamic Network Perspective

Kaige Gao, Case Western Reserve University
Youngjin Yoo, Case Western Reserve University
Aaron Schecter, University of Georgia

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More is Less? Design Free Sample Strategy via Field Experiment and Double/Debiased Machine Learning

JIN LIU, University of Science and Technology of China
Hanbing Xue, university of science and technology of China
yongjun li, University of Science and Technology of China

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Pathways for Digital Transformation: An Organizational Identity Perspective

Anna Keilbach, Technical University of Munich
Andreas Hein, Technical University of Munich
Helmut Krcmar, Technical University of Munich

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The Role of Cajoling Strategies in Path Creation

Lena Hylving, Informatics

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The Role of Internationalization Strategy in Fostering Innovation: An Empirical Study Using Machine Learning Technique

Pascal Simon Mayer, University of Muenster
Thomas Schaeper, University of Muenster

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The Unfolding of Digital Transformation in Pre-Digital Companies: A Meta-Case Analysis

Thomas Haskamp, Hasso Plattner Institute
Axel Hund, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Jun-Patrick Raabe, ITG
Falk Uebernickel, Hasso Plattner Institute

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Understanding Digital Platform Generativity from a Sociomaterial Perspective

Yanpei Lin, The University of Queensland
Andrew Burton-Jones, The University of Queensland

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“Who Am I When Everything has Changed?” The Impact of Scaled-agile Organizations on Professional Role Identity

Nikola Finze, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Julian Frey, University of Bamberg
Axel Hund, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Daniel Beimborn, University of Bamberg
Heinz-Theo Wagner, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

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