The track on advances in methods, theories, and philosophy continues the ICIS tradition by inviting IS scholars to engage with fundamental questions of the nature and purpose of IS research and theorizing; to critically reflect on philosophical underpinnings and methodological developments; and to envisage advances that would inspire future scholarly endeavors. As a fundamentally interdisciplinary field focused on digital technologies, Information Systems is particularly well-suited to both (1) thinking about philosophical, particularly epistemological, issues around digital phenomena from a variety of perspectives, and (2) the novel methods and approaches that are emerging to explore and analyze these phenomena.
This track is a space for exploring the philosophical, theoretical, and methodological questions that are critical for IS research in the digital age. We invite scholars to contribute by submitting papers that propose new ideas and perspectives, offer critical reflections on research practices, explore philosophical and conceptual innovations, and engage with theoretical and methodological advances.
Track Co-Chairs
Nicholas Berente, Ph.D., University of Notre Dame
Wai Fong BOH, Ph.D., Nanyang Technological University
Jonny Holmstrom, Ph.D., Umeå University
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2023 | ||
Monday, December 11th | ||
12:00 AM |
Laura Tölle, Paderborn University 12:00 AM |
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Embracing Absence: Researching What is Not There Rick Sullivan, University of Sydney Business School 12:00 AM |
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Employing Machine Learning to Advance Agent-based Modeling in Information Systems Research Amirsiavosh Bashardoust, University of Lausanne 12:00 AM |
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Predictive Validation of Interaction Terms in PLS-SEM Nicholas Danks, Trinity College Dublin 12:00 AM |
12:00 AM |
Realism and Experiments: Investigating Virtual Reality Experiments Jannes Heinrich Diedrich Menck, University of Goettingen 12:00 AM |