The advent of social, mobile, analytics, cloud, and internet of things (SMACIT) technologies represent both game-changing opportunities and pose existential and disruptive threats to many organizations, even those who have been successful in operating based on the conventional logic of the pre-digital economy. Combined with conventional digital technologies, these technologies present invaluable opportunities for many organizations to offer new, value propositions so as to better respond to competitive demands. They are also significantly obsoleting the design of conventional business processes, forcing firms to reshape their buyer-supplier and customer relationships and rethink how they create value. For example, sensors on equipment as well as real time data collected via gadgets have captured much big data for predictive analytics and allow organizations to use big data to effectively orchestrate and introduce innovative business models or revolutionize its supply chains. We are consequently in a period when organizations are reevaluating existing IT and organizational strategies and engaging in large scale digital transformations.

These changes are creating new opportunities for value creation, but also raise complex challenges relating to the strategic use, governance and implementation of technology. For example, platform strategies offer a novel way to meet evolving market demands and create value in both the production and the consumption ecosystems. They require organizations to balance the demands of both stability and agility through configuring their inter-organizational relationships and governance mechanisms. As another example, the commercialization of Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies offers a completely new set of business opportunities, based on the widespread availability of inexpensive high power computing infrastructure on demand. The emerging IoT technology is moving from trials to full deployments to enable the smart management of infrastructures like bridges and roads as well as consumer products like fashion items and personal/home IoT devices. Cloud computing and the consumerization of digital technologies allow ordinary employees with little formal technology training to adopt and implement IS on their own, posing challenges to organizations related to security and complicating both the governance of IT and assessment of value from corporate systems.

Track Co-Chairs
HENG Cheng Suang, Ph.D., National University of Singapore
Christine LEGNER, Ph.D., University of Lausanne
Mani SUBRAMANI, Ph.D., University of Minnesota

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Monday, December 12th
12:00 AM

Algorithm-driven Search: An Attention-based View on Artificial Intelligence for Organizational Exploitation and Exploration

Ann-Katrin Maren Eicke, University of Muenster
Christopher Sabel, University of Muenster
Stephan Nüesch, University of Muenster

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

CEO-CIO Shared Understanding of the Role of Technology: Outcomes for Technological Innovation Value

David Lohmar, University of Münster
Stephan Nüesch, University of Muenster

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Choose Your Friends Wisely: Complementarity and Supplementarity of IT Capabilities in IT Alliance Formation

Karen Van Gia Tu, University of Groningen
Dinh Khoi Nguyen, University of Groningen

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Digital Innovation Units: An Empirical Investigation of Performance Implications

Max Schumm, University of Kassel
André Hanelt, University of Kassel
Sebastian Firk, University of Groningen

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Digital Transformation Normalization: Using Managerial Actions to Effectively Execute Digital Business Strategy

Joep Klopper, University of Amsterdam
Bradley James Kalgovas, TU Darmstadt
Hans P. Borgman, University of Amsterdam
Alexander Benlian, Technical University of Darmstadt

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Exploiting Resource Fluidity for Digital Transformation – A Revelatory Case Study

Yangting Li, The University of Sydney
Barney Tan, The University of New South Wales
Grace (Ha Eun) Park, Auckland University of Technology

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Fostering Value Co-Creation in Incumbent Firms: The Case of Bosch’s IoT Ecosystem Landscape

Felix Sterk, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Daniel Heinz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Christian Peukert, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Felix Fleuchaus, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Tobias Kölbel, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Christof Weinhardt, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

From Constitution to Disbandment: Ephemeral Decentralized Autonomous Organizations

Aseem Pahuja, University of Manchester
Iman Taani, London School of Economics

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

How CIOs Influence Digital Transformation Success. Evidence from a Large-scale, Multi-national Survey

Rainer Wittmann, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität
Johann Kranz, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

IoT Value Creation Through Supply Chain Analytics Capability

Thiagarajan Ramakrishnan, Prairie View A&M University
Abhishek Kathuria, Indian School of Business
Jiban Khuntia, University of Colorado Denver
Benn Konsynski, Emory University

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

IS Antagonism: Explaining Negative Value Creation from IS Integration in M&A

Eric Onderdelinden, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Doris Degen, Deloitte
Bart van den Hooff, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Mario van Vliet, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

IT Investments under Earnings Pressure

Matthias Schinnen, Universität Passau
Robert Obermaier, University of Passau

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Many Roads Lead to Digital Transformation: A Configurational Perspective on Digital Competence Elements

Nicolai Etienne Fabian, University of Groningen
Michelle Weck, University of Groningen
André Hanelt, University of Kassel
Sebastian Firk, University of Groningen
Jana Oehmichen, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz
Abhi Bhattacharya, University of Alabama

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Pied Pipers and Followers: Interorganisational Alignment in a Health Information System Implementation

Roxanne Llamzon, University of New South Wales
Felix Tan, University of New South Wales
Lemuria Carter, University of New South Wales

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Reconciling Deliberateness and Emergence in Digital Transformation Strategy Formation – An Organizational Improvisation Perspective

Jan Stockhinger, University of Münster
Matthias Werner, University of Muenster

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

The Impact of the Organizational Design of Innovation Units on the Consideration of Cybersecurity

Sebastian Heierhoff, Technical University of Darmstadt
Alina Reher, Capgemini Invent
Jessica Slamka, University of Applied Sciences München

12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Twisting the Toll: Electric Vehicles and Information Provision

Yixuan Liu, Purdue University
Weilong Wang, Purdue University
Baolong Liu, ShanghaiTech University
Andrew B. Whinston, University of Texas at Austin

12:00 AM