Conference Theme Track B: IS for Resilience
Paper Number
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Existing research reveals an overlap between the capabilities of an agile organization and the capabilities of a resilient organization. Using evidence from longitudinal case studies of three organizations, this paper explains how organizational resilience can be assimilated from organizational agility; and how organizational agility can be assimilated from IT project agility. The cases show how the capability to negotiate known contradictions in both resilience and agility is one facilitating feature in this assimilation.
Recommended Citation
Baskerville, Richard and Pries-Heje, Jan, "Achieving Resilience through Agility" (2021). ICIS 2021 Proceedings. 8.
Achieving Resilience through Agility
Existing research reveals an overlap between the capabilities of an agile organization and the capabilities of a resilient organization. Using evidence from longitudinal case studies of three organizations, this paper explains how organizational resilience can be assimilated from organizational agility; and how organizational agility can be assimilated from IT project agility. The cases show how the capability to negotiate known contradictions in both resilience and agility is one facilitating feature in this assimilation.
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