The “Professional Development Workshop” (PDW) Track is a new track that will be introduced at ICIS 2019.

The PDW Track distinguishes itself from other tracks by offering tutorials and other active learning modalities for a variety of topics related to information systems (IS) research and teaching. The track objective is to facilitate sessions that actively engage the participants so as to develop and update their professional skills.

A research related example of an ICIS PDW session might tackle theories or methods relevant to IS research by providing participants with an expert-led ‘grand tour’ of the research in this area or a debate on it. This could then be followed up with pre-registered participants being able to workshop their papers. A teaching related example of an ICIS PDW session might illustrate a new technology-enabled technique that is presented in a hands-on manner to mirrors how it might be used in graduate education.

As these examples indicate, these sessions in this track need to be different from ICIS panels. Also, a PDW might string together a number of 90 minute slots, thus supporting a wide variety of session formats with a maximum of 270 minutes.

The PDW proposal must not exceed ten pages and must conform to the ICIS 2019 submission template. The ten-page count must include all information (i.e. topic, organizers, abstract, keywords, text, figures, tables, references and appendices). Proposers may attach a video clip or similar to their submission to illustrate the intended format.

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At the Crossroads between Digital Innovation and Digital Transformation

Robert Gregory, IESE Business School
Heinz-Theo Wagner, German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS)
Sanja Tumbas, IESE Business School
Katharina Drechsler, German Graduate School of Management and Law (GGS)

Designing Experimental Studies

Fenne große Deters, University of Potsdam
Stefan Tams, HEC Montreal
Allen Johnston, University of Alabama
Jason Thatcher, Culverhouse College of Business, University of Alabama

Studying and Theorizing Knowledge Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Emmanouil (Manos) Gkeredakis, University of Navarra
Stella Pachidi, Cambridge University

The Future of Digital Entrepreneurship Research: Existing and Emerging Opportunities

Jan Recker, University of Cologne
Frederik von Briel, QUT Business School