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As digitalization accelerates and companies’ value propositions as well as business processes become increasingly embodied in information systems artefacts, the expandability and extendibility of these artefacts become critical conditions for the possibilities to venture into foreign markets. This short paper reports on the LEGO Group’s venture into China, examining the role of the company’s existing IS landscape during this process. Drawing on the literature on digital platforms, the analysis presents initial findings on how the platformization of a company’s IS landscape enables its internationalization capability.



Becoming Ready for Internationalization: The Role of Platformization in the LEGO Group

As digitalization accelerates and companies’ value propositions as well as business processes become increasingly embodied in information systems artefacts, the expandability and extendibility of these artefacts become critical conditions for the possibilities to venture into foreign markets. This short paper reports on the LEGO Group’s venture into China, examining the role of the company’s existing IS landscape during this process. Drawing on the literature on digital platforms, the analysis presents initial findings on how the platformization of a company’s IS landscape enables its internationalization capability.