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Many e-commerce platforms have established extensive networks of last-mile stations as their logistics infrastructure. In this study, we investigate how this last-mile infrastructure may serve as an offline platform for commercial activities (e.g., free sample distribution) to connect customers and merchants. In collaboration with Alibaba, we design two large-scale experimental studies and provide the first evidence on how platforms can leverage the walk-in traffic (organic interaction) and prompt nearby customers through online intervention (induced interactions) to improve customers' online engagement with the merchants and offline utilization of logistics infrastructure.



Connecting Customers and Merchants Offline: Experimental Evidence from the Commercialization of Last-Mile Pickup Stations at Alibaba

Many e-commerce platforms have established extensive networks of last-mile stations as their logistics infrastructure. In this study, we investigate how this last-mile infrastructure may serve as an offline platform for commercial activities (e.g., free sample distribution) to connect customers and merchants. In collaboration with Alibaba, we design two large-scale experimental studies and provide the first evidence on how platforms can leverage the walk-in traffic (organic interaction) and prompt nearby customers through online intervention (induced interactions) to improve customers' online engagement with the merchants and offline utilization of logistics infrastructure.