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Saturday, December 12th
11:52 PM

Customer Knowledge and Requirements Engineering in Customization Projects: A Multi-Method Case Study

Mario Schaarschmidt, University of Koblenz-Landau
Matthias Bertram, University of Koblenz-Landau
Gianfranco Walsh, Friedrich-Schiller-University of Jena, Jena, Germany.
Harald F.O. von Kortzflieisch, University of Koblenz-Landau

11:52 PM

Sunday, December 13th
12:00 AM

A Tale of Requirements Computation in Two Projects: A Distributed Cognition View

Sean Hansen, Rochester Institute of Technology
Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western Reserve University
Amol Kharabe, Case Western Reserve University

12:00 AM

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An Exploration of the relationship between Contribution Behaviours and the Decision Making Process in Agile Teams

Sharon Coyle, The University of Sydney Business School
Kieran Conboy, NUI, Galway
Tom Acton, NUI Galway

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Coordinating Platform-Based Multi-Sourcing: Introducing the Theory of Conventions

Thomas Hurni, University of Bern
Thomas Huber, University of Bern
Jens Dibbern, University of Bern

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Designed Interdependence, Growing Social Capital and Knowledge Sharing in IS Project Teams

Hyejung Lee, Yonsei University
Jun-Gi Park, Yonsei University
Jungwoo Lee, Yonsei University

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How Many Penguins Can Hide Under an Umbrella? An Examination of How Lay Conceptions Conceal the Contexts of Free/Open Source Software

Kevin Carillo, Toulouse Business School
Jean-Gregoire Bernard, Victoria University of Wellington

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Idea Hubs as Nexus of Collective Creativity in Digital Innovation

Raffaele Ciriello, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
Alexander Richter, University of Zurich, Switzerland

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Influential Factors on IS Project Quality: A Total Quality Management Perspective

Paul Glowalla, University of Cologne
Ali Sunyaev, University of Cologne

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Investigating the Free/Libre Open Source Software Commons in Commercial Organizations

Juho Lindman, Hanken School of Economics

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Owner Dynamic Capabilities and Benefits Management in Public Information Systems Projects: A Qualitative Content Analysis

Jonghyuk Cha, The University of Manchester
Mike Newman, The University of Manchester
Graham Winch, The University of Manchester

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Social Shaping of Enterprise System Acquisition and Development: The Influence of Reference Users in XiZi Holdings

Felix Ter Chian Tan, UNSW Business School
Barney Tan, The University of Sydney Business School
Yuan Sun, School of Business Administration and Contemporary Business and Trade Research Center, Zhejiang Gongshang University

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Software Artefacts as Equipment: A New Conception to Software Development using Reusable Software Artefacts

Subasinghage Nuwangi, Queensland University of Technology
Darshana Sedera, Queensland University of Technology

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Software Development in the Cloud: Exploring the Affordances of Platform-as-a-Service

Oliver Krancher, University of Bern
Pascal Luther, University of Bern

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Systemic Risk in IT Portfolios – An Integrated Quantification Approach

Martina Beer, University of Augsburg, FIM Research Center, Augsburg, Germany
Thomas Wolf, University of Augsburg, FIM Research Center, Augsburg, Germany
Tirazheh Zare Garizy, University of Augsburg, FIM Research Center, Augsburg, Germany

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The Impact of Human Resource Sharing on IT Project Risk

Christian Meier, University of Paderborn
Steffen Zimmermann, University of Innsbruck
Vlad Nicolau, University of Innsbruck

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Understanding Agility in ISD Projects

Gregory Vial, HEC Montreal
Suzanne Rivard, HEC Montreal

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Understanding Informal Control Modes on Software Platforms – The Mediating Role of Third-Party Developers’ Intrinsic Motivation

Tobias Goldbach, Technische Universität Darmstadt
Alexander Benlian, Darmstadt University of technology

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Understanding IS Team Coordination in Real Time: A Process Approach to Coordination

Hazbi Avdiji, HEC Lausanne
Stéphanie Missionier, HEC Lausanne
Stefano Mastrogiacomo, Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne

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What Makes an IT Project Successful?

Soohyun Cho, University of Florida
Kyung Sung Jung, University of Florida
Young Kwark, University of Florida

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Widely Used but also Highly Valued? Acceptance Factors and Their Perceptions in Water-Scrum-Fall Projects

Sebastian Schlauderer, University of Bamberg
Sven Overhage, University of Bamberg
Björn Fehrenbach, University of Bamberg

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