
Increasingly, Information Systems scholars are examining information systems in non-private organizations (i.e., government and nonprofits). For some, the type of organization is irrelevant and the choice of organization is a matter of convenience, but for others, the type of organization is part of the research question. Indeed, there are at least two compelling reasons for studying IS in non-private organizations: the non-private sector has become a major economic force as well as influential in shaping the IT industry and information systems in the non-private domain touch, either directly or indirectly, everyone in society today. It has become generally accepted that an understanding of context is critical to gain insight regarding IS management, development, and use. This panel assumes and reaffirms that IS research on non-private organizations is important but then goes one question further: what, if anything, is conceptually unique about the non-private context and the role IT serves in this context? Consequentially, do we need to apply new research approaches (theories, methodologies, and analytic strategies) for such research?
