
Executive Information Systems are being used in organizations around the world to assist with the increased managerial information needs related to the opening of markets and the globalization of enterprise. This study adapts a model of IS success to the context of EIS in order to examine the potential success of EIS use by Mexican managers to help them cope with their highly competitive environment. Using data gathered from 89 Mexican senior and middle managers, the study examines some antecedents of EIS use, types of EIS use, individual impacts of EIS use, and organizational impacts of EIS use. The study suggests that Mexican managers use EIS to monitor internal and external information which enables them to make decisions faster, tohaveabetterunderstandingoftheirenvironment,andtoengageinmorethoroughdecisionanalysis. These individual benefits of EIS use then lead to certain organizational benefits, including a shared vision of organizational goals and performance, improved communication in the organization, improved competitive response, and improved organizational decision making effectiveness.
