
Without exception, all nations in the A s i m Pacific region see IT as a cornpetiiive weapon that will propel them to a new era of economic prosperity. To help their organizations adopt the next wave of IT, most Asian nations are adopting, although soine have already adopted, a Year 2000 IT Vision. For each of their visions to be realized, these countries have strategized an infonnation technology infrastructure and policy to comnissiort the achievement of thek IT mission. The government of the Republic of China has recently fonnulated development strategies to upgrade IT competitive capabilities arid industry infrastructure. In particular, the Republic of China seeks to proxnote coordi!?ated research mong universities and goveniinent-sponsored R&D institutions. IT education, establishment of hardware and software standards, and applicationssoftware emerge as top priorities. Singaporehas adopted a NationJ Icfomation Infrastructureplan lo develop a strong export oriented IT industry. The government of Hong Kong has significantly increased irs budget for higher education and research in IT to uansfonn its economy from a Iabor-intensive production economy into a knowledge-based service economy. Malaysia a i d Vietnam have recently adopted the concept of the infomation-rich society. They seek U, increase national productivity in all sectors by promoting widespread application of IT
