
In the past, TV was always regarded as an indispensable member of every family. Watching TV programs with the whole family was once one of the key consumer behaviors. However, with the development of technology, the digital wave and the invasion of Over-The-Top (OTT)platforms, consumer behavior has begun to undergo drastic changes. Mobile phones and tablets occupy most of our time. Multi-screens have long become the norm. According to the "Digital Whirlpool" report published by IMD in 2019: "Due to the impact of digital convergence, digital disruption has already occurred in the media, entertainment, and telecommunications industries. If digital transformation is not carried out in time, the next five may be replaced by other new services". Observe that the number of cable TV subscribers in Taiwan has dropped from 5.23 million in 2017. With the influence of online platforms and online pirated content, it has fallen all the way to the current low of 4.83 million in 2021.Facing the changes in viewers’ viewing behaviors and the shift in TV advertising budgets in recent years, various TV stations have also provided solutions and actively transformed from internal thinking to external environments. TV stations such as TVBS, Eastern Broadcasting Company (EBC), Sanli TV and Ctitv have begun their digital transformation.
