Corresponding Author

Chih Chun Hsu

Document Type



Smart tourism destination as: an innovative tourist destination, built on an infrastructure of state-of-the-art technology guaranteeing the sustainable development of tourist areas, accessible to everyone, which facilitates the visitor’s interaction with and integration into his or her surroundings, increases the quality of the experience at the destination, and improves residents’ quality of life. Lopez de Avila (2015). Smart tourism involves multiple components and layers of “smart” include (1) Smart Destinations which was special cases of smart cities integration of ICT’s into physical infrastructure, (2) Smart experience which specifically focus on technology-mediated tourism experience and their engagement through personalization, context-awareness and real-time monitoring, (3) Smart business refer to the complex business ecosystem that creates and supports the exchange of touristic resource and the co-creation of tourism experience. Gretzel et al, (2015). Smart tourism also clearly relies on the ability to not only collect enormous of data but to intelligently store, process, combine, analyze and use big data to inform business innovation, operations and services by artificial intelligence and big data technique. The rapid development of information communication technology (ICT) such as artificial intelligent, cloud computing, mobile device, big data mining and social media cause computing, storage and communication relevant software and hardware popular. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google have risen rapidly since 2000. In recent years, Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thing, Robotic, Cyber Security, 3D printer and Block chain also accelerate the development of industry toward digital transformation trend such as Fintech, e-commerce, smart cities, smart tourism, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing... This study proposes a conceptual framework that integrates (1) artificial intelligence/machine learning, (2) institution/organizational and (3) business processes to assist smart tourism stake holder to leverage artificial intelligence to integrate cross-departmental business and streamline key performance metrics to build a business-level IT Strategy. Artificial intelligence as long as the function includes (1) Cognitive engagement to (voice/pattern recognition function) (2) Cognitive process automation (Robotic Process Automation) (3) Cognitive insight (forecast, recommendation).
