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The primary aim of this paper is to analyze user’s adoption of mobile data services under various circumstances. The data for this paper has been obtained from the Worldwide Mobile Data Services (MDS) Survey (Sharma et al, 2014). This research paper also characterizes devices, usually identified as smart phones. Smart phones are sophisticated tools (devices), which can be used for I/O (input/output), processing, storage and for broadband connectivity. The features and functionality of these devices range widely, facilitating browsing the internet as well as applications that utilize authentication, location detection and multitasking.

Such features that MDS provides us have become an inexorable part of our lives. These devices offer us so much that all forms of work and leisure activities that are routine in our day-to-day deeds progressively depend more on them. As a result, the providers of MDS[14] nowadays offer a superfluity of both products and services, which empower patrons to perform a range of work and leisure tasks that are correlated with commercial transactions, networking and communication, information access and content downloading (Garbacz and Thompson, 2007). This is an integral part of the era of ubiquity.
