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This paper deals with new work concepts, especially the so-called alternating telework. A close relationship between the introduction of E-Business and telework is assumed. This type of working can be interpreted as a technology push factor. A research project at the University of Trier (Trier Telework Study) investigated living and working conditions of 277 alternating teleworkers. The findings focus on the following research topics: reasons for participating in telework, workingtime arrangements and flexibility, organization of family obligations, ways of balancing work and leisure. Moreover, integration of telework into a traditional office environment (e.g. flow of information, tasks performed) is analyzed too. This includes reflections on the current etransformation processes. The analysis consider first results of an ongoing research project as well as evidences from further (empirical) studies in the field of E-Business. Consequences, requirements and conditions for implementing electronically supported work arrangements are discussed. It seems important to combine the new situation with the traditional settings and processes in an effective and social way. Furthermore the findings suggest a management of integration.
