
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

6-1-2024 12:00 AM


Littering, for instance caused by awareness lacks on appropriate waste disposal, is one of the pollution causes in cities and can damage water , air , and soil. In the smart city context, smart waste apps (SWAs) can be used to address the change of citizens’ littering behavior by implementing persuasion. This research aims to pro- vide a first step toward a design theory for SWAs that enhances the internal motivation to engage in correct litter disposal. Our research follows a six-step design science approach to identify design requirements, de- rive design principles, and develop design features based on a literature review on SWAs and a series of expert workshops. We investigate which design princi- ples should guide SWAs’ design to select an adequate set of persuasive elements and, thus, better target litter- ing behavior change. The proposed prototypical SWA is expected to motivate citizens' littering behavior change, thereby, improving urban cleanliness.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 6th, 12:00 AM

Persuade Oscar, the Grouch: A Design Approach for a Persuasive Gamified Smart Waste App

Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Littering, for instance caused by awareness lacks on appropriate waste disposal, is one of the pollution causes in cities and can damage water , air , and soil. In the smart city context, smart waste apps (SWAs) can be used to address the change of citizens’ littering behavior by implementing persuasion. This research aims to pro- vide a first step toward a design theory for SWAs that enhances the internal motivation to engage in correct litter disposal. Our research follows a six-step design science approach to identify design requirements, de- rive design principles, and develop design features based on a literature review on SWAs and a series of expert workshops. We investigate which design princi- ples should guide SWAs’ design to select an adequate set of persuasive elements and, thus, better target litter- ing behavior change. The proposed prototypical SWA is expected to motivate citizens' littering behavior change, thereby, improving urban cleanliness.
