
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

6-1-2024 12:00 AM


Becoming a reverse engineer (RE) requires rigorous training and understanding of program structure and functionality, and experts develop heuristic strategies and intuitions from real-world experiences. This paper attempts to capture REs’ strategies and intuitions within a predictive cognitive model and demonstrate the feasibility of assisting novice REs using an intelligent recommender called CAVA (Cognitive Aid for Vulnerability Analysis). CAVA leverages physiological sensors to assess a novice’s cognitive states and provides real-time visual hints when the novice’s attention and engagement diminish. We instrumented Ghidra and conducted pilot experiments with REs. Open-loop experiments with 9 REs confirmed the feasibility of identifying novices from experts using physiological signals, and a pilot closed-loop experiment tested the feasibility of providing visual recommendations to a novice. Despite challenges in recruiting REs, our progress suggests that CAVA is a promising approach to improve novice performance and our understanding of experts’ behavior when performing complex real-world reverse engineering tasks.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 6th, 12:00 AM

CAVA: Cognitive Aid for Vulnerability Analysis

Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Becoming a reverse engineer (RE) requires rigorous training and understanding of program structure and functionality, and experts develop heuristic strategies and intuitions from real-world experiences. This paper attempts to capture REs’ strategies and intuitions within a predictive cognitive model and demonstrate the feasibility of assisting novice REs using an intelligent recommender called CAVA (Cognitive Aid for Vulnerability Analysis). CAVA leverages physiological sensors to assess a novice’s cognitive states and provides real-time visual hints when the novice’s attention and engagement diminish. We instrumented Ghidra and conducted pilot experiments with REs. Open-loop experiments with 9 REs confirmed the feasibility of identifying novices from experts using physiological signals, and a pilot closed-loop experiment tested the feasibility of providing visual recommendations to a novice. Despite challenges in recruiting REs, our progress suggests that CAVA is a promising approach to improve novice performance and our understanding of experts’ behavior when performing complex real-world reverse engineering tasks.
