
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

6-1-2024 12:00 AM


Mixed reality (MR) has recently emerged as a popular technology enabling people to interact with virtual and physical worlds. MR involves a combination of complex and advanced technologies, including hardware and software, where users’ private data are collected, stored, and processed. Keeping user data secure and private while letting users control their data is not popular among current MR platform owners or third parties. This research proposes a generic blockchain-based MR framework to protect users’ private data and alert them about their data access. Blockchain is a data protection layer on MR platforms and relies on fog to support latency-sensitive MR applications. This article presents a framework with core components, followed by a case study elaborating on accessing medical records to present its usefulness. We also present the results of network performance tests, design considerations, and existing technical challenges.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 6th, 12:00 AM

How to Control User Private Data Access in Mixed Reality Platforms using Blockchain?

Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Mixed reality (MR) has recently emerged as a popular technology enabling people to interact with virtual and physical worlds. MR involves a combination of complex and advanced technologies, including hardware and software, where users’ private data are collected, stored, and processed. Keeping user data secure and private while letting users control their data is not popular among current MR platform owners or third parties. This research proposes a generic blockchain-based MR framework to protect users’ private data and alert them about their data access. Blockchain is a data protection layer on MR platforms and relies on fog to support latency-sensitive MR applications. This article presents a framework with core components, followed by a case study elaborating on accessing medical records to present its usefulness. We also present the results of network performance tests, design considerations, and existing technical challenges.
