
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

6-1-2024 12:00 AM


Psychographics of tourists, customer satisfaction and consumer experience are the basis of managerial decisions. Customer surveys measuring the contentment, the interests and the psychometric profiles of tourists often make use of bipolar econometric and psychometric scales. The statistical analysis of smart tourism data can be improved when considering bipolar scales survey data as compositional data. To date, only the order of magnitude of agreement (OMA) towards an item assertion is considered. Regarding the complement (i.e., the order of magnitude of disagreement (OMD)) increases the amount of information available improving the quality of statistical results. Ignoring the OMD induces serious bias to subsequent descriptive (e.g., computation of Pearson correlation and Cohen's $d$) and inferential statistical analyses (e.g., correlation tests based on Student's t-distribution and two-sample t-tests) possibly leading to ambiguous results. Together, the OMA and the OMD yield a bivariate compositional data point which can be transformed towards the univariate real valued interval scale using the isometric log-ratio (ilr) transformation. Conducting statistical analyses with ilr transformed data avoids statistical biases in the process psychometric tourist profiling. Via simulation, we provide evidence that the ilr approach increases the statistical power of two-sample t-tests (paired and unpaired) affecting managerial decisions based on pre-post-comparisons and comparisons of independent tourist samples.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 6th, 12:00 AM

Compositional data statistics improves smart tourism data analytics: profound managerial decisions through reduced statistical bias and increased power

Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Psychographics of tourists, customer satisfaction and consumer experience are the basis of managerial decisions. Customer surveys measuring the contentment, the interests and the psychometric profiles of tourists often make use of bipolar econometric and psychometric scales. The statistical analysis of smart tourism data can be improved when considering bipolar scales survey data as compositional data. To date, only the order of magnitude of agreement (OMA) towards an item assertion is considered. Regarding the complement (i.e., the order of magnitude of disagreement (OMD)) increases the amount of information available improving the quality of statistical results. Ignoring the OMD induces serious bias to subsequent descriptive (e.g., computation of Pearson correlation and Cohen's $d$) and inferential statistical analyses (e.g., correlation tests based on Student's t-distribution and two-sample t-tests) possibly leading to ambiguous results. Together, the OMA and the OMD yield a bivariate compositional data point which can be transformed towards the univariate real valued interval scale using the isometric log-ratio (ilr) transformation. Conducting statistical analyses with ilr transformed data avoids statistical biases in the process psychometric tourist profiling. Via simulation, we provide evidence that the ilr approach increases the statistical power of two-sample t-tests (paired and unpaired) affecting managerial decisions based on pre-post-comparisons and comparisons of independent tourist samples.
