
Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2024 12:00 AM

End Date

6-1-2024 12:00 AM


Location-based services (LBS) often force users to choose between sharing real-time geolocation or compromising their user experience. Users disclose more data than is necessary for the application’s functionality when obscurity is not an option. This issue is exacerbated by social influence, which can be present through user testimonials or implicitly embedded in the network-based sharing norms of the application. To understand the impact of social influence on a location data disclosure, we ran a 3(Social proof: star ratings, user reviews, or both) x 2(Reciprocity norms: present or absent) between- subjects experiment. While these manipulations produced no direct effect on decisions, qualitative analysis of participants’ rationale revealed that related features (e.g., push notifications) and personal attitudes held significant weight.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 6th, 12:00 AM

A Push for Obscurity: The Role of Social Influence on Mobile Location Data Disclosure

Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii

Location-based services (LBS) often force users to choose between sharing real-time geolocation or compromising their user experience. Users disclose more data than is necessary for the application’s functionality when obscurity is not an option. This issue is exacerbated by social influence, which can be present through user testimonials or implicitly embedded in the network-based sharing norms of the application. To understand the impact of social influence on a location data disclosure, we ran a 3(Social proof: star ratings, user reviews, or both) x 2(Reciprocity norms: present or absent) between- subjects experiment. While these manipulations produced no direct effect on decisions, qualitative analysis of participants’ rationale revealed that related features (e.g., push notifications) and personal attitudes held significant weight.
