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Start Date

3-1-2023 12:00 AM

End Date

7-1-2023 12:00 AM


This paper proposes a framework for considering how practice diffusion drives the adoption of IoT technology and fuels institutionalization of solutions within service ecosystems. Practice diffusion requires the adaptation of a practice (using a wearable device) as it emerges across distinct sociocultural contexts. The adaptation of practices allows for the adoption of technology in different ways. New materials are linked with pre-existing meanings and competences as practices emerge and become embedded within a social structure. For IoT technologies, materials include a device and its associated digital data. Thus, practice adaptation requires linkages that enable the integration and use of both a device and data. We highlight a growing mental health crisis and the potential of wearable devices as medical aids, particularly for adolescents who spend much of their time connected to the internet. We consider important linkages to help institutionalize unique solutions for those in need.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 7th, 12:00 AM

How Practice Diffusion Drives IoT Technology Adoption and Institutionalization of Solutions in Service Ecosystems


This paper proposes a framework for considering how practice diffusion drives the adoption of IoT technology and fuels institutionalization of solutions within service ecosystems. Practice diffusion requires the adaptation of a practice (using a wearable device) as it emerges across distinct sociocultural contexts. The adaptation of practices allows for the adoption of technology in different ways. New materials are linked with pre-existing meanings and competences as practices emerge and become embedded within a social structure. For IoT technologies, materials include a device and its associated digital data. Thus, practice adaptation requires linkages that enable the integration and use of both a device and data. We highlight a growing mental health crisis and the potential of wearable devices as medical aids, particularly for adolescents who spend much of their time connected to the internet. We consider important linkages to help institutionalize unique solutions for those in need.
