

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2023 12:00 AM

End Date

7-1-2023 12:00 AM


Data is nowadays considered as a key resource and represents the most valuable asset of our technology-driven world. However, the ability to use this resource in a value-adding way requires a holistic perspective. Small- and medium-sized enterprises in particular face major challenges in the innovation and development process. Despite preliminary research in the area of data-driven services (DDS), there is a lack of methodological analysis of the key barriers for SMEs in the context of DDS development. To address this shortcoming, we have developed an interpretive structural model based on a two-stage mixed-method approach by combining a structured literature review with practice-oriented focus group interviews to identify key barriers and their interdependencies and interactions. Our paper strengthens the knowledge of DDS development through a methodological barrier analysis and provides a guide for practitioners to eliminate the most relevant barriers to DSS development.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 7th, 12:00 AM

Barriers to the Development of Data-Driven Services: An ISM Approach for SMEs


Data is nowadays considered as a key resource and represents the most valuable asset of our technology-driven world. However, the ability to use this resource in a value-adding way requires a holistic perspective. Small- and medium-sized enterprises in particular face major challenges in the innovation and development process. Despite preliminary research in the area of data-driven services (DDS), there is a lack of methodological analysis of the key barriers for SMEs in the context of DDS development. To address this shortcoming, we have developed an interpretive structural model based on a two-stage mixed-method approach by combining a structured literature review with practice-oriented focus group interviews to identify key barriers and their interdependencies and interactions. Our paper strengthens the knowledge of DDS development through a methodological barrier analysis and provides a guide for practitioners to eliminate the most relevant barriers to DSS development.
