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Start Date

3-1-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

7-1-2022 12:00 AM


In this paper, we examine the impact of socio-technical interdependencies on coordination in resuscitation teamwork. We employ a relational perspective on handoffs to reveal how resuscitation teams manage complex socio-technical interdependencies to deliver timely and effective treatment responses. Our analysis shows that resuscitation activities vary greatly in terms of task complexity, and in terms of knowledge and technological requirements. We find that activities involving complex tasks create multiple interdependencies. Transitioning between work activities under these circumstances requires complex socio-technical handoffs and high degrees of explicit coordination. Conversely, activities involving simple or repetitive tasks do not create complex interdependencies. Transitioning between such work activities requires simple handoffs, where either social or technical elements change. Such handoffs are coordinated implicitly, or via pre-defined structures. Our results contribute to literature by revealing how socio-technical interdependencies are managed in complex and uncertain work environments, and with what consequences for work coordination.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 7th, 12:00 AM

Interdependence and Handoff Coordination in Resuscitation Teamwork: A Socio-Technical Perspective


In this paper, we examine the impact of socio-technical interdependencies on coordination in resuscitation teamwork. We employ a relational perspective on handoffs to reveal how resuscitation teams manage complex socio-technical interdependencies to deliver timely and effective treatment responses. Our analysis shows that resuscitation activities vary greatly in terms of task complexity, and in terms of knowledge and technological requirements. We find that activities involving complex tasks create multiple interdependencies. Transitioning between work activities under these circumstances requires complex socio-technical handoffs and high degrees of explicit coordination. Conversely, activities involving simple or repetitive tasks do not create complex interdependencies. Transitioning between such work activities requires simple handoffs, where either social or technical elements change. Such handoffs are coordinated implicitly, or via pre-defined structures. Our results contribute to literature by revealing how socio-technical interdependencies are managed in complex and uncertain work environments, and with what consequences for work coordination.
