

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

7-1-2022 12:00 AM


The information systems literature has long argued that innovation drives uncertainties in organizations. While extant research has extensively studied knowledge problems in the traditional firm setting and their implications on organizing and decision making, an updated understanding is required in relation to uncertainties within digital platforms and ecosystems, where organizational boundaries are blurred and downstream movement is becoming more popular. To address this issue, we explore the different dimensions of uncertainties in the digital platforms and ecosystems by classifying them based on the knowledge problems that dominantly contribute to their formation and the platform actors facing such uncertainties. A higher-level uncertainty emerges as a result of the interactions within these dimensions. In addition, the interactions evolve in longitudinal and dynamic patterns due to the complex nature of digital platforms and ecosystems.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 7th, 12:00 AM

Uncertainty in Digital Platforms and Ecosystems: The Dynamic Interplay Between Knowledge Problems


The information systems literature has long argued that innovation drives uncertainties in organizations. While extant research has extensively studied knowledge problems in the traditional firm setting and their implications on organizing and decision making, an updated understanding is required in relation to uncertainties within digital platforms and ecosystems, where organizational boundaries are blurred and downstream movement is becoming more popular. To address this issue, we explore the different dimensions of uncertainties in the digital platforms and ecosystems by classifying them based on the knowledge problems that dominantly contribute to their formation and the platform actors facing such uncertainties. A higher-level uncertainty emerges as a result of the interactions within these dimensions. In addition, the interactions evolve in longitudinal and dynamic patterns due to the complex nature of digital platforms and ecosystems.
