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Monday, January 3rd
12:00 AM

Beyond Task-technology Fit: Exploring Network Value of Blockchain Technology Based on Two Supply Chain Cases

Günter Prockl, Copenhagen Business School
Dominik Roeck, University of St.Gallen
Thomas Jensen, Copenhagen Business School
Somnath Mazumdar, Copenhagen Business School
Raghava Rao Mukkamala, Copenhagen Business School


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Decentralized procurement mechanisms for efficient logistics services mapping - a design science research approach

Tiphaine Henry, Telecom SudParis, Institut Polytechnique de Paris
Roman Beck, IT University of Copenhagen
Nassim Laga, Orange Labs
Walid Gaaloul, Computer Science Department Télécom SudParis
Shenle Pan, MINES ParisTech, PSL University (Centre de Gestion Scientifique)


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Introduction to the Minitrack on The Digital Supply Chain of the Future: Applications, Implications, Business Models

Alexander Pflaum, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg
Freimut Bodendorf, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
Günter Prockl, Copenhagen Business School
Haozhe Chen, Iowa State University


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Knowledge networks for adoption of additive manufacturing: The role of maturity

Anders Haug, University of Southern Denmark
Kent Adsbøll Wickstrøm, University of Southern Denmark
Jan Stentoft, University of Southern Denmark
Kristian Philipsen, University of Southern Denmark


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Propositions on Motivating Supply Chain Frontline Workers in Research Crowdsourcing

Isidro Liñan-Jimenez, Iowa State University
Henrik Steen Sternberg, Iowa State University
James Summer, Iowa State University
Vitali Mindel, Virginia Tech University


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Towards a Taxonomy of API Services in Logistics

Frederik Möller, Technical University of Dortmund and Fraunhofer Institute for Software and Systems Engineering ISST
Maleen Stachon, TU Dortmund University
Ilka Jussen, TU Dortmund University
Julia Schweihoff, TU Dortmund University
Hendrik Van Der Valk, TU Dortmund University
Michael Schmidt, Fraunhofer IML
Stephanie Handrup, TU Dortmund University


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM

12:00 AM

Understanding Factors Affecting the Adoption of ICT-Enabled Sustainable Supply Chain Management Practices

Chenxin Yao, University of Melbourne
Xiang Peng, University of Melbourne
Sherah Kurnia, University of Melbourne
Mahbubur Rahim, Monash University


12:00 AM - 12:00 AM