

Event Website


Start Date

3-1-2022 12:00 AM

End Date

7-1-2022 12:00 AM


Personal data is a critical resource to tailor digital services to the context of use and the preferences of individual users. Services have the characteristic that users and providers no longer interact in a dyadic relationship but rather in service systems co-creating value. Here, actors can provoke adverse effects that result from misaligned or destructive behavior. In service research, value co-destruction emerged as a perspective to study such undermined value co-creation. We use this lens in the case of information privacy as an example of a normative value. Building on a multi-case analysis of information privacy violations reported in the news, we elucidate seven archetypes of value co- destruction. These archetypes enable an understanding of underlying conceptions and mechanisms of actor arrangements that inhibit the holistic consideration of normative values such as information privacy in digital services.


Jan 3rd, 12:00 AM Jan 7th, 12:00 AM

Exploring Archetypes of Value Co-Destructive Privacy Practices


Personal data is a critical resource to tailor digital services to the context of use and the preferences of individual users. Services have the characteristic that users and providers no longer interact in a dyadic relationship but rather in service systems co-creating value. Here, actors can provoke adverse effects that result from misaligned or destructive behavior. In service research, value co-destruction emerged as a perspective to study such undermined value co-creation. We use this lens in the case of information privacy as an example of a normative value. Building on a multi-case analysis of information privacy violations reported in the news, we elucidate seven archetypes of value co- destruction. These archetypes enable an understanding of underlying conceptions and mechanisms of actor arrangements that inhibit the holistic consideration of normative values such as information privacy in digital services.
