
The use of scientometric techniques for analyzing trends and patterns in IS research is becoming increasingly common. We describe how such techniques have been used to answer questions for the IS field as a whole and for specific research communities, journals, and topics. While scient-ometric analyses of ICT for development journals and conferences are starting to emerge, such studies have not employed longitudinal methods to analyze trends over time. We pose several questions that longitudinal scientometric methods can answer and then apply such methods to papers published in the oldest, largest conference in the area of ICT for development: IFIP 9.4. For the years 2002-2013, we identify the most frequent authors contributing to IFIP 9.4, as well as changes over time in terms of most frequent contributors and the institutions and countries represented. We also identify the frequently-cited sources in IFIP 9.4 papers, showing how they have changed over time. Finally, we use co-citation analysis to identify the topics analyzed in IFIP 9.4 papers, based on citations shared among papers. We conclude with directions that future research may address – such as comparing our results with other ICT4D conferences or journals.
