
In an increasingly digitalised society, participation becomes dependent on digital skills – the ability to understand and use the everyday Internet technologies that surround us. People who have difficulty acquiring these skills risk being digitally excluded. One such group is the elderly; all research studies show that they are disadvantaged. The project focuses on digital inclusion for elderly citizens, address-ing goal 10 of the United Nations global sustainability goals: reduced inequality within and among countries. It brings together researchers, industry and government in a collaborative practice (action research) program designed to increase theoretical knowledge of digital inclusion in Sweden, and to provide useful guidelines and tools for improving societal involvement of elderly citizens. The collabo-rative practice approach incorporates survey and interview techniques to ensure scientific rigor. A fea-ture of the project is the use of a cross-generational teaching and learning approach – young people (digital natives) interacting with elderly - which has not previously been researched. Our initial results show that the benefits for the elderly include reduced isolation, more autonomy and independence, and better health.
