
The Technostress (TS) research is one of the emerging areas of study in Information Systems (IS) domain that has drawn significant attention in recent years among scholars and practition-ers. It is defined as the stress experienced by the end users of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). In this study, we assess the status quo of TS research in an organizational context. We further classified the studies into three different sub-sections, 1) General studies 2) TS due to specific technology 3) TS among specific professionals. Not only TS research is multi-disciplinary in nature, but also with the expeditious growth of ICTs it is widely prevalent across organizations. Hence we expect that our review of extant literature will provide meaningful in-sights to both researchers and practitioners. Our result indicates that in the organizational con-text, TS creators negatively influence various job outcomes. However, due to the mandatory use of ICTs, employees find it difficult to cope with the new and evolving technologies. Finally, we also highlight three research gaps that are theoretically significant and practically valuable to both scholars and practitioners and need further attention.

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