We conceptualize the mobile game Pokémon Go as a service provider aiming to offer customers value propositions over an augmented reality (AR) platform, where players engage in co-creating value, such as fun, social unity and health. However, playing Pokémon Go can also ensue to value co-destruction through critical service interactions involving e.g. increased mobile costs, trespassing, accidents or assaults. Such could ensue to negative value outcomes, such as frustration, humiliation or unsafety. In order to prevent critical service interactions, it is significant to gain an understanding of value codestruction, which currently remains an unclear concept with a call for empirical studies. We address this gap by adopting a qualitative research approach and examining 55 critical Pokémon Go user incidents, and ca. 30 laddering interviews. The data is coded into process components categorized in three interrelated dimensions and three temporal points. As a result, a value co-destruction process framework for AR mobile games will be proposed. We contribute to the literature by empirically extending the extant value co-destruction conceptualization, and pioneering a study of value co-destructive user behaviour in the AR mobile games domain. Our findings will help researchers and managers understand value co-destructive user behaviour and rectify critical interaction components
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Lintula, Juuli; Tuunanen, Tuure; Salo, Markus; and Kari, Tuomas, (2017). "UNDERSTANDING AUGMENTED REALITY GAME PLAYERS’ VALUE CO-DESTRUCTION PROCESS IN POKÉMON GO". In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal, June 5-10, 2017 (pp. 3092-3101). ISBN 978-0-9915567-0-0 Research-in-Progress Papers.