Despite the increasing importance of digitization for economy and society, there is few structuring of the very heterogenous kinds of digital work. Representatives from business, politics and science need a basis for the development of strategies to encounter the challenges that result from this digitization. We aim at delivering a contribution to that basis by systematically investigating what different types of digital work exist and by developing a taxonomy. As a first important step towards this goal, we inves-tigate in this paper what digital work tools exist since such tools are a major constituent element of digital work. Using a hybrid approach including both a deductive conceptual-to-empirical and an in-ductive empirical-to-conceptual procedure, we create an artifact that gives business leaders an over-view of existing digital work tools as a basis for strategic decisions and at the same time provides re-searchers with stimuli for future investigations in the dynamic domain of digital work.
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Mrass, Volkmar; Li, Mahei Manhai; and Peters, Christoph, (2017). "TOWARDS A TAXONOMY OF DIGITAL WORK". In Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Guimarães, Portugal, June 5-10, 2017 (pp. 2515-2524). ISBN 978-0-9915567-0-0 Research-in-Progress Papers.