
eHealth initiatives are constantly evolving to support consumers in taking active control of their health and well being through access to health information via the Internet. Although particularly elderly people could benefit from eHealth, they often resist using new technologies. However, research indicates that elderly cannot be considered as a homogenous group. In this regard, prior research considers three individual IT-related traits, namely computer anxiety, personal innovativeness in IT, and computer self-efficacy as important determinants influencing individuals’ technology acceptance and use. Especially computer self-efficacy has been found to play a key role in elderly’s technology acceptance decisions. However, as it is commonly assumed that older people think they are too old to use novel technologies, it is suggested they have expectations about their abilities and their age perceptions that may be interrelated. Consequently, we seek to explore the role of cognitive age in individual IT-related traits and their effect on the use of eHealth by the elderly.
