The incentive for IT service and infrastructure providers to participate in cloud ecosystems lies in the generation of rents that cannot be generated individually by either alliance partner – i.e. the opportunity to co-create value. The IS literature on cloud ecosystems is scarce and provides only limited insights on value co-creation in cloud ecosystems. Based on an in-depth case study, we develop a framework which serves as an organizing and simplifying device explaining how value is co-created in different types of cloud ecosystems and what success factors of these dif-ferent types of cloud ecosystems are.
Recommended Citation
Huntgeburth, Jan; Blaschke, Michael; and Hauff, Sabrina, "Exploring Value Co-Creation in Cloud Ecosystems - A Revelatory Case Study" (2015). ECIS 2015 Completed Research Papers. Paper 82.
ISBN 978-3-00-050284-2