
In this exploratory study, we investigate the role of cognitive absorption, a state of deep involvement with software, in the context of fun-oriented information systems (IS) usage. The construct of cognitive absorption has proven to be valuable for understanding the formation of user beliefs and intention to use. However, most prior studies which incorporate cognitive absorption, have focused on productivity-oriented IS usage in organizational or work-related settings. Paying tribute to the increase in fun-oriented IS usage, we develop a related research model for studying the formation of user beliefs that explicitly considers cognitive absorption. We evaluate the proposed variables and the research model based on empirically gathered Video on Demand (VoD) data. Our results indicate that cognitive absorption is affected by computer playfulness and a construct called perceived quality. Cognitive absorption, in turn, plays an important role in explaining perceived enjoyment. Contrary to our assumption, perceived enjoyment does not have a significant positive influence on the intention to use VoD repeatedly.
